
Post Finasteride Syndrome


New member
Hey man,

I have been watching a lot of your videos on youtube. You seem mad knowledgeable about all things steroids.

I developed Post Finsateride Syndrome after taking propecia for about 15 years. A website called was created and a lot of discussion has been going on about taking steroids to try to cure this disease. What happens is a lot of guys develop hypogonadism and have low T.

I know in one of your videos you mentioned that you shouldn't take testosterone if you're overweight. I'm a bit overweight, like 10 pounds, but I took testosterone to try to find a way out of this disease. I was wondering if you think being overweight and taking testosterone for low T is different than taking testosterone when you're body building.

I did end up developing a light case of gyno after a couple months, and then stopped.

Also, I was wondering if you have any opinions on what might be the cause of Post Finasteride Syndrome and any suggestions on areas to explore for treatments.

Thanks man!
kellopgeorge said:
Hey man,

I have been watching a lot of your videos on youtube. You seem mad knowledgeable about all things steroids.

I developed Post Finsateride Syndrome after taking propecia for about 15 years. A website called was created and a lot of discussion has been going on about taking steroids to try to cure this disease. What happens is a lot of guys develop hypogonadism and have low T.

I know in one of your videos you mentioned that you shouldn't take testosterone if you're overweight. I'm a bit overweight, like 10 pounds, but I took testosterone to try to find a way out of this disease. I was wondering if you think being overweight and taking testosterone for low T is different than taking testosterone when you're body building.

I did end up developing a light case of gyno after a couple months, and then stopped.

Also, I was wondering if you have any opinions on what might be the cause of Post Finasteride Syndrome and any suggestions on areas to explore for treatments.

Thanks man!

what is your age, Bodyfat %, weight, height.

and what type of TEST did you take and how many Mg?
Ten pounds is not overweight. 50 pounds is. So we need to nnow where you are at to properly answer

Bro-sorry for your condition. I would not have enough space or time to answer you. Before you jump into drugs, get to a low bodyfat.Get a lot of vitamin A, get your diet right, do heavy weights and do aerobics. Do not be tempted to use heavy androgens. There has been some experimentation with 100mgs test/week plus 25mgs clomid per day, but nothing is proven. Give your body some time to heal itself.
Hey guys,

Thanks for your answers. I'm actually not sure how much body fat % I have. I should look up how to measure that. I'm 33 years old, 5'10"-ish, and 185-190. I'm not sure how many pounds overweight I am, to tell the truth. I've never really been "skinny". When I was in my early 20s and did crew and masonry work, I was probably the skinniest I had ever been, but I wouldn't say I was "skinny" per se. Never really been able to loose weight very well. Seems to like to stick around.

With the gyno that I have now, it makes me look fatter than I actually am. I took testosterone enethate and Masteron Enanthate, 100mg a week for about 2 months. And I followed that by taking HCG for a couple weeks after that. I was trying to cure my condition, not be a body builder, so I wasn't lifting weights or anything at the time. After seeing Dylan's videos, I started to realize that I screwed up, and I shouldn't be taking that stuff if I was overweight, because it was just immediately converting to estrogen. I was on AIs too. Arimidex, letrozole, clomid, nolvadex. Nothing stopped the gyno.

I saw a chart of a 20 year old guy and a 60 year old guy who were on the same workout routine and they had their T levels tested. Their T levels increased dramatically and at the same rate. So I think, looking backwards on my experience, I probably should have just hit the gym instead of experimenting with steroids. That would have increased my T levels naturally, and all the other hormones your body makes. But I guess we don't learn until we F up, right? I F up a lot, so I must be pretty smart by now. :)
OK, I was just watching a video about measuring body fat with calipers. I'm not sure how accurate this really is, but I measured a 2 inch pinch of fat a little to the right of my belly button and got 30 mm. I guess that falls into the average category on the chart. Average is probably a nice way of saying fat. :)
kellopgeorge said:
Hey guys,

Thanks for your answers. I'm actually not sure how much body fat % I have. I should look up how to measure that. I'm 33 years old, 5'10"-ish, and 185-190. I'm not sure how many pounds overweight I am, to tell the truth. I've never really been "skinny". When I was in my early 20s and did crew and masonry work, I was probably the skinniest I had ever been, but I wouldn't say I was "skinny" per se. Never really been able to loose weight very well. Seems to like to stick around.

With the gyno that I have now, it makes me look fatter than I actually am. I took testosterone enethate and Masteron Enanthate, 100mg a week for about 2 months. And I followed that by taking HCG for a couple weeks after that. I was trying to cure my condition, not be a body builder, so I wasn't lifting weights or anything at the time. After seeing Dylan's videos, I started to realize that I screwed up, and I shouldn't be taking that stuff if I was overweight, because it was just immediately converting to estrogen. I was on AIs too. Arimidex, letrozole, clomid, nolvadex. Nothing stopped the gyno.

I saw a chart of a 20 year old guy and a 60 year old guy who were on the same workout routine and they had their T levels tested. Their T levels increased dramatically and at the same rate. So I think, looking backwards on my experience, I probably should have just hit the gym instead of experimenting with steroids. That would have increased my T levels naturally, and all the other hormones your body makes. But I guess we don't learn until we F up, right? I F up a lot, so I must be pretty smart by now. :)

Yeah I think you got it right bro. It really may be best to just normalize. This syndrome is like fighting a bear. No matter what you throw at it ...just don't work. Maybe the answer is time. If you want to take a shot at just clomid it can't hurt. Just my gut feeling is time
I have tried clomid before, and it did seem to have a positive effect. I could give it another run.

I have noticed positive improvements since running Test and Masteron. Definitely a lot of improvements since I got PFS about 1 year ago. There were a lot of sides though, but I think they will fade with time. Some guys have found it helpful to run a cycle, and then go on a PCT cycle, and do this a couple times over. I've only run one cycle, with a PCT afterwards, but I did notice some improvements. Maybe I'll start hitting the gym and in a couple months do another cycle to see if I can make some further progress.
kellopgeorge said:
I have tried clomid before, and it did seem to have a positive effect. I could give it another run.

I have noticed positive improvements since running Test and Masteron. Definitely a lot of improvements since I got PFS about 1 year ago. There were a lot of sides though, but I think they will fade with time. Some guys have found it helpful to run a cycle, and then go on a PCT cycle, and do this a couple times over. I've only run one cycle, with a PCT afterwards, but I did notice some improvements. Maybe I'll start hitting the gym and in a couple months do another cycle to see if I can make some further progress.

I would give it some time. Then see how you are. You can go a 100-200 test for 8 weeks and then a 2 month clomid. OR a two month clomid on its own Or a sarms clomid.
But yes hit the gym then in about 2-3months we can go from there
hey bro... i actually am quite versed on pfs syndrome... i actually had two clients who suffer severely from it... they have different types of issues but all correlated to the same issue... unfortunately both continue to suffer to this day and there is really no cure... they both have lawsuits pending but i have watched a lot of suffering and went through many different protocols and tried to develop understandings however it always reverts back to the same thing that shows quite different issues and no real way to judge what you might endure or go through... for instance, one would bloat up and hold water on ANYTHING but test acetate... that was it... even with a strong ai etc... it just was what it was... he had to run half doses of orals but had sever brain fog and problems throughout... he just continued to have problems.. we low dosed orals, ran a few sarms he could tolerate, low doses of ai because he was holding water yet his estrogen levels were perfect... i mean strange shit... forgetting things etc... unfortunately its more trial and error than anything...

as far as you using test... what i would highly recommend is getting your body fat down... NOW, if you have a SEVERE condition and your have very low test, that will impede your abilities to burn fat and thus implementing TRT but NOT a full blown cycle is what you need... its one thing to be on trt and an entire other to be on a cycle... what I would personally try is to run a sarms stack first... if that does not work, and your test is bottomed out THEN i would highly consider beginning trt... OR you could just start trt if your condition is terrible, add sarms and proviron for your cutting, see how it works and get your body fat down and test right... THEN we can move forward with a blast... this is how i would approach this...
While we have this issue active right now, EVERYBODY needs to take some time and read up it. Like D is nasty ass stuff. I mean it is a disease that the medical community just does not know how to treat. I worked with a few guys that had it and I think I was going friggin crazy. Believe do not want this. I keep saying be carefull I know..but be carefull.
drb_iac said:
While we have this issue active right now, EVERYBODY needs to take some time and read up it. Like D is nasty ass stuff. I mean it is a disease that the medical community just does not know how to treat. I worked with a few guys that had it and I think I was going friggin crazy. Believe do not want this. I keep saying be carefull I know..but be carefull.

good to see that another knows of this syndrome bro... i believe you already know the severity of it and its FAR more concerning that most can understand... its severe and not something to take lightly in any way.... what i have seen this do is more than scary and this is why i try so hard to get people to avoid finasteride because it ruins lives and its unknown how to treat
Yes, I can't emphasize enough to not take propecia. I hate to be negative, but it has really ruined my life. It's a struggle each and every day. The fact that this drug is still legal, and doctors hand it out like candy sickens me. My opinion is that it should be more illegal than heroin or crystal meth, because it will make your life way worse than either of those drugs could do.

Thanks D. I really appreciate your help. I'm totally new to trt and everything, so I'm feeling my way through this and trying to find something that will help. I think the TRT/Masteron that I tried did improve my condition, but I had pretty bad gyno development with it, and some strange vein issues, and a little roid rage. I have exercise intolerance sometimes with this disease, and after exercising I feel like my brain is getting starved of oxygen. It's really strange. But maybe I can build up a workout routine slowly.

Thanks for your help guys. And again... don't use propecia/finasteride. I would pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to be bald and have my health back. I'd love to be bald and healthy. Don't go down this route. Peace. -G
U said it boys..Been off this shit for 18months about to die...Avid runner, 160lbs for years..After stopping blew up like a whale..Now weigh 205 gained 45lbs of just flab or fluid like filled tisdue..Especially in ab and love handle region..Also hair turned to like burnt straw and very dry..Mental sides are crippling with thoughts of self harm almost daily..Physical sides are debilitating..Can't run anymore it's so hard to lose the weight I ran for years and was a bean pole..This drug totally changes you physically..I am about to try low dosage clomid as well hoping for atleast some relief from the symptoms..
Gained over 40lbs since stopping this drug there is no help..You swell with like fluid and flab in stomach waist and thghs..Was a bean pole runner for years weighed 160lbs..This drug totally changes you physically..Thoughts of suicide daily..Crippling....Gonna try clomid hoping for just some relief from symptoms.
Gained over 40lbs since stopping this drug there is no help..You swell with like fluid and flab in stomach waist and thghs..Was a bean pole runner for years weighed 160lbs..This drug totally changes you physically..Thoughts of suicide daily..Crippling....Gonna try clomid hoping for just some relief from symptoms.
i wish i could help you brother but there is really no known cure... i had a client who had the same problem your having with the fluid retention as well... the ONLY thing he can use is test acetate... thats it and noone knows why... he literally could not use more than 10 mg of tbol etc... hes a mess in many regards... this shit is very very real and its very dangerous...
Gained over 40lbs since stopping this drug there is no help..You swell with like fluid and flab in stomach waist and thghs..Was a bean pole runner for years weighed 160lbs..This drug totally changes you physically..Thoughts of suicide daily..Crippling....Gonna try clomid hoping for just some relief from symptoms.

Get blood work done, your estrogen is probably very high. Mine was after I got off finasteride. This is what I did to to feel normal after fin. I did 150mg Test cyp along with 400mg Mast E every week along with 75mg Proviron ED and 12.5mg Aromasin three times a week. It took a few weeks but I started feeling normal again and then I Pct'd as normal and have been good ever since(this was about 8-10yrs ago). I'd get blood work before anything though.
Get blood work done, your estrogen is probably very high. Mine was after I got off finasteride. This is what I did to to feel normal after fin. I did 150mg Test cyp along with 400mg Mast E every week along with 75mg Proviron ED and 12.5mg Aromasin three times a week. It took a few weeks but I started feeling normal again and then I Pct'd as normal and have been good ever since(this was about 8-10yrs ago). I'd get blood work before anything though.

Damn thats a lot of shit..I would do anything at this point..I was told the weight/fluid was estrogen before..I seen where some responded well to clomid and anti-estrogens..While others have said it in fact made them much worse..I am gonna get labs done at I can't get an endo to see me they won't even recognize the condition..So I am gonna order the tests through direct labs..I guess the complete male hormonal profile is what I would need to get..Right now I am taking Zinc, Vitd3, ashwaganda, tramadol helps with mental side effects..So far I have found nothing that does anything to the physical side effects..Oddly enough I have not got any of the more common sexual sides so many report getting with pfs..But the mental and physical sides are nothing like I would have believed before this..Its debilitating..Physically I am beginnig to have problems functioning and doing my job and other work..Its like lugging around a ton of dead water weight..My chest is also swollen and larger but it is not gynomasctia....
I notice it's called "post" fin syndrom. So these issues don't start until after getting off? If that's the case why not just stay on?
Damn thats a lot of shit..I would do anything at this point..I was told the weight/fluid was estrogen before..I seen where some responded well to clomid and anti-estrogens..While others have said it in fact made them much worse..I am gonna get labs done at I can't get an endo to see me they won't even recognize the condition..So I am gonna order the tests through direct labs..I guess the complete male hormonal profile is what I would need to get..Right now I am taking Zinc, Vitd3, ashwaganda, tramadol helps with mental side effects..So far I have found nothing that does anything to the physical side effects..Oddly enough I have not got any of the more common sexual sides so many report getting with pfs..But the mental and physical sides are nothing like I would have believed before this..Its debilitating..Physically I am beginnig to have problems functioning and doing my job and other work..Its like lugging around a ton of dead water weight..My chest is also swollen and larger but it is not gynomasctia....

Yea that's actually relatively light in regards to guys that cycle though. I ran that for about 8-10 weeks I can't remember exactly. Yea I'm not sure about just Clomid tbh. You could try just some Proviron at 50mg ed and Aromasin like 12.5mg twice a week along with 12.5mg Clomid every day.
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