
Post Finasteride Syndrome

I notice it's called "post" fin syndrom. So these issues don't start until after getting off? If that's the case why not just stay on?

I think it's called post Fina syndrome because most people affected by the symptoms stop the fina
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Its bad while on the drug...You have to stop pretty much..Then after stopping is when the real shit begins..It worsens every month after that..I did..Its still contining to worsen..There is a theory that after stopping you feel better for just a bit as hormone levels return to normal..But that there is a crash like symptoms and you worsen from there and theory is that the receptors are over loaded somewhat with a massive flood of hormones as dht comes back suddenly...Creating a type of brain damage to receptors ..IDK myself what has actually occured other than I am fucked up now..Seriously...I do know it is physcal tissue changes and fluid fat weight gain..As dht appears to longer be functiong in certain areas of the body..It is also mental as the enzyme finasteride blocks 5 alpha reductase is supposedly involved in certain brain functions..Which might explain why I want to kill myself on a daily basis for some reason..I am depressed over what it has done to my appearance and body but they thoughts of self harm are not normal..
I'm sure there are many people on here that will help you any way they can (including myself). Diet, meal plan, cycle help, etc. I think you need to get blood work done first and post them on here. There are a lot of very knowledgeable people on here.
A good place to start is bloodwork so we can see what's going on with your test, estrogen, DHT, and other hormone levels

Then we can possibly at least no what you need to address

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Well I pmed you but actually found a lab, Laboratory Corp that does the testing here just a few miles from where I work..It's through privatemdlabs..It's actually same lab dermatologist sent me to before putting me on finasteride..
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