
Planning next cycle


New member
Hey guys, planning my next cycle and looking to build some good size. I'm gonna be on mk677/GW/YK11 and trying to decide between rad 140 lgd4033 and S23, of those 3 which would you recommend to add with the others to build the most size and strength during this cycle? Im 5' 11 currently 180lbs best guess is 12-14%BF I've got cycle support and everything for pct on hand from last cycle. Thanks in advance guys 👍
I'm 27yo I've ran quite a few sarms cycles, the last was mk677 lgd4033 rad140 yk11 and seen great results. Have ran test in the past but seen better results and less sides with sarms so been sticking to them lately.
Hey guys, planning my next cycle and looking to build some good size. I'm gonna be on mk677/GW/YK11 and trying to decide between rad 140 lgd4033 and S23, of those 3 which would you recommend to add with the others to build the most size and strength during this cycle? Im 5' 11 currently 180lbs best guess is 12-14%BF I've got cycle support and everything for pct on hand from last cycle. Thanks in advance guys 👍
if you were to run s23, you would need to drop the yk11.. if you are wanting to stcik with yk11, then s4, yk11, gw and mk677 would be a strong stack to go with... s23 would require a full pct and would have far more side effects... s23 is essentially a steroid and in my strong opinion, stronger than some in general
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