Currently nearing the end of a blast protocol I got from Dylan's old channel, Test/NPP/Primo. Results have been wonderful and I've been very happy so far.
Looking ahead after I cruise for a few months I like to try to plan my next blast as I buy my supplies in bulk, can you guys (or Dylan) advise on what you think on the proposed cycle below:
Week 1- 16 Test C/E: 300-350 mg/week
Week 1-6 Tbol: 50 mg/day
Week 1-12 Rad 140: 20 mg/day AM dosing
Week 1-12 LGD 4033: 10/mg day AM dosing
Week 1-16 EQ: 600-800 mg/week
I read somewhere on either this forum or another a few different times that Tbol, rad and lgd can provide dbol like effects without the typical dbol sides.
Also I wasn't sure what an effective test to EQ ratio was? I was looking to start out with 600 EQ this run and wasn't sure how much test to run with it?
Goal is to put on some more dry lean mass, I'm used to primo so I have no prob with the fact that EQ will provide slow and steady gains. I'm up for suggestions on what to add or dosing changes?
Looking ahead after I cruise for a few months I like to try to plan my next blast as I buy my supplies in bulk, can you guys (or Dylan) advise on what you think on the proposed cycle below:
Week 1- 16 Test C/E: 300-350 mg/week
Week 1-6 Tbol: 50 mg/day
Week 1-12 Rad 140: 20 mg/day AM dosing
Week 1-12 LGD 4033: 10/mg day AM dosing
Week 1-16 EQ: 600-800 mg/week
I read somewhere on either this forum or another a few different times that Tbol, rad and lgd can provide dbol like effects without the typical dbol sides.
Also I wasn't sure what an effective test to EQ ratio was? I was looking to start out with 600 EQ this run and wasn't sure how much test to run with it?
Goal is to put on some more dry lean mass, I'm used to primo so I have no prob with the fact that EQ will provide slow and steady gains. I'm up for suggestions on what to add or dosing changes?