
Pharmacom Test E300/Anavar Cycle

Ok so I just code checked the vials and 2 out of the 3 vials came back as fake, wat do you guys recommend I do!?!

You either typed in the code wrong or there must be a malfunction in the registration of those codes, don't worry if you bought them from our website they are 100% genuine

Pharmacom Labs Head Board Rep
Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008
"isarms" code for 10% off at checkout
so whats the point of check codes if they check out as fake? like i said 1 checked out as legit but 2 came back as fake even after i tried multiple ways of typing the code in to make sure i wasn't mistaking a 1 for an l etc...
so whats the point of check codes if they check out as fake? like i said 1 checked out as legit but 2 came back as fake even after i tried multiple ways of typing the code in to make sure i wasn't mistaking a 1 for an l etc...

Do not worry, the products are authentic if you purchased them from or website.

You can pm me pictures the codes if you would like and i can confirm this for you.

Pharmacom Labs Head Board Rep
Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008
"isarms" code for 10% off at checkout
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