
PCT and SARMS (Bridging)


New member
Hey everyone, there is an absolute wealth of information here and believe me I am trying to consume it all but it's like trying to take a drink from a fire hose!

Here's my question.
Earlier this year I bought some SARMS for the purpose of cutting. I bought: S4, GW510516, RAD140.

Now, at the time and because they arrived much later than I anticipated I decided to keep them safe until I did my next cut.

Here's the thing, I am doing a PCT, and I am about 2 weeks from a 30 day completion. I also had to take some time away from the gym to look after my daughter.

I have started back at the gym today and remembered that it's possible to run SARMS as a bridge during pct and afterwards before the next steroid cycle.

I have lost some size and feel generally a lot weaker right now. Could I use the SARMS above to make strength and size gains?

Thanks for reading...

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Thank you CheatMealCoach, would you run anything else with that?

I am not blasting and cruising. Just Giving my a bit of a break before running steroids again.

I also must ask, are you a cheat meal coach? Lol

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Thanks again CheatMealCoach.
Can you name a few reliable sources for the SARMS? I am UK based and last time I was waiting for many weeks due to the slow postal service and even slower customs...


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Just out of interest, can I use the SARMS whikst on steroids too? Like tren a and Test P with the cutting SARMS all at the same time? I am hearing different people say different things...

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And.... with the GW do you just take 2 weeks break before starting again? Any other sort of PCT for this?

I can't get hold of the SR ad they sold out but would I be making noticeable gains just with the GW?
Thanks for your advice! [emoji123]

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I found some GW which is 25mg per 1ml

I have been told to take 20mg 30 mins before training. Would 1 ml (25mg) be toxic?
How do do you dose it?

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I found some GW which is 25mg per 1ml

I have been told to take 20mg 30 mins before training. Would 1 ml (25mg) be toxic?
How do do you dose it?

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5 mg won’t kill you. Just dose a little less then the full dropper. As far as timing goes, it’s up to you. It has a long half-life so morning, evening, before training... it’s all the same.

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Thanks 9th Wonder. Have you ever run this with SR9009 as well?

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I've ordered the GW but having problems getting the SR9009. is still an American site and ainordered the GW from there. Any ideas where I might be able to get the SR?

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Hey! My sr9009 has finally arrived! What dosage do you recommend and when should it be taken. Split doses? Thankyou. :)

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Thanks CheatMealCoach, I read somewhere else today it has a short half life so it was suggested that 20mg be split in to 4 doses every 4 hours or so. Is this right, you think?
Thanks :)

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Thanks CheatMealCoach.
Do you have a blog somewhere on cheat meals?

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