
Original SARMS triple stack log

Log - 23/10/2022 (Upper)

Bench Press

1 x 5 x 147.5
1 x 5 x 175lb
1 x 5 x 200lb
5 x 10 x 115lb

3rd set was AMRAP, probably had another 1 or 2 in the tank, but gym was dead and no one to spot. Back off sets at 50% of TM, supersetted with DB rows below.

One Arm Dumbbell Rows

4 x 8 x 70lb

Strict Pull-ups

3 x 8
1 x 6 (failure)

Back to night shift now, so no time for isolation work. But wanted to get bread and butter work in as haven’t lifted since Thursday. Not noticed any increase in strength yet, but certainly no drop off either, considering weight is down and my sleep is messed up. I was full of energy and sweating like a maniac.

First day off in 7 tomorrow, plenty of rest, and will smash legs followed by cardio.

Meals wise same as yesterday,

Overnight protein oats
Small orange

3 whole scrambled eggs
2 Wholewheat toast
Skyr yoghurt

Chicken breast
Steamed veggies
Skyr yoghurt
Small orange

2 large chicken breast skewers packed up.

I'd like to see your meal prep plans what do you do and what do you eat in detail, can you share please?
Log - 24/10/2022 (Lower + Cardio)


1 x 3 x 210lb
1 x 3 x 240lb
1 x 9 x 265lb
5 x 10 x 155lb

3rd set was AMRAP, felt really good. Playing the percentages game this would be a post vasectomy PB. Remember squat and deadlift is where S4 shone last cycle, hopefully be back at pre snip weights within a couple of weeks.

Back off sets at 50% of TM, supersetted with back extensions below

Back extensions

4 x 10 x BW

Split Squats
(Hammer Strength Ground Iso Squat)

4 x 8 x 90lb


Indoor cycle, pushed for 5 miles, just over 16 minutes, last 14 minutes cruised as legs screaming but another 3 miles.
I'd like to see your meal prep plans what do you do and what do you eat in detail, can you share please?
Do you mean more detailed breakdown of macros by meal, and times etc brother? Not following meal plan as such, will generally cook a big pot of protein in slow cooker beginning of week then weigh and portion off into supperware, making up meals as I go. Shakes and skyr yoghurt to make up protein.

Thanks for the interest I really appreciate it.
Sorry, i missed your question earlier about cardio types.. i would utilize both steady state and high intensity intervals... for hiit types, sprints, jump ropes, burpees, etc.. these are all excellent and should be incorporated along with steady state...
Do you mean more detailed breakdown of macros by meal, and times etc brother? Not following meal plan as such, will generally cook a big pot of protein in slow cooker beginning of week then weigh and portion off into supperware, making up meals as I go. Shakes and skyr yoghurt to make up protein.

Thanks for the interest I really appreciate it.
Post up a recipe
Do you mean more detailed breakdown of macros by meal, and times etc brother? Not following meal plan as such, will generally cook a big pot of protein in slow cooker beginning of week then weigh and portion off into supperware, making up meals as I go. Shakes and skyr yoghurt to make up protein.

Thanks for the interest I really appreciate it.
the protein requirements are way too high. you don't need protein powder my man. most people who lift don't use them but they are advertised like crazy
Bit late but ydays log

Log - 25/10/2022 (Cardio)


Indoor cycle, lower intensity today, 10 miles @ 50 minutes (12mph) getting the blood flowing to the legs after strength work yday.

Food wise

Overnight protein oats for breakfast

One pot steak chilli with lentils and potatoes for lunch and mid afternoon meal

Protein shake post cardio

Large jacket potato with 2 cans of tuna and olive oil dressed salad for dinner

Skyr Protein Yoghurt and 30g Cashews for evening snack

2281 kcal

244c / 229p / 47f (42/40/18)
Sorry, i missed your question earlier about cardio types.. i would utilize both steady state and high intensity intervals... for hiit types, sprints, jump ropes, burpees, etc.. these are all excellent and should be incorporated along with steady state...
Thanks very much for the input, I’ll be sure to mix things up going forward.

the protein requirements are way too high. you don't need protein powder my man. most people who lift don't use them but they are advertised like crazy
Will make a point using for whole foods, just utilise what powder I have PWO in future, thanks for input.

Post up a recipe
Log for yday, has a one pot chilli I like to make. Pictured ingredients are for a whole crockpot. But calorie breakdown is for half a pot which I would eat over 2 meals in day.

Everything is weighed as I work in a lab so have super accurate scales.

Thanks again for taking interest in my log, keeps me motivated.



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