


New member
Guys, new here. New to all of this. Had no choice but to jump back into construction again. Stone and steel all day. All of it’s heavy. Brutal workload. I just turned 47 and Im not coming up like I used to. And then Im back in the gym 5-6 days a week. Strength is slow to come back. It’s not the same anymore. I used to come up quick! So here I am. Im looking for advice on how to build strength, endurance, repair quickly, and add muscle. My livelihood depends on my capacity to meet the demands of my job. Been listening to videos for weeks and weeks which lead me here. Theres a lot of knowledge here and I see this. Looking to learn how to do this correctly. Im looking for sound, solid advice. My stats are as follows:
•20 Years training
•Goals: Strength, Endurance, Physique, add muscle
•No supplements. Food and vitamins only.
•No food allergies
•No injuries
•non smoker
•no alcohol

I appreciate any direction and advice. THANK YOU!!!
have you considered starting with sarms as opposed to steroids... that would be a great starting point for you and i have a stack recommendation that gets no better for endurance and healing especially... the sarms triple stack is more than ideal bro... strength, endurance, healing, recovery and so much more..

1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day 30 minutes prior to workout or a.m.
1-12 S4 (ANDARINE) 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 mk2866 25 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Sarms would defnitely be a great place to start. Have you had any bloodwork done to see where your test amd hormone levels are?
Im working on finding out where to get bloodwork done. If I know what to ask for can I just go to the hospital and have them take the sample and have them email me the results? What kind of bloodwork test do I need? I see that ’privatemd’ has a lot of options. I dont Even know where to begin. Perhaps you can school me on this RickRock? Or anyone here seeing this. THANK YOU!
Im working on finding out where to get bloodwork done. If I know what to ask for can I just go to the hospital and have them take the sample and have them email me the results? What kind of bloodwork test do I need? I see that ’privatemd’ has a lot of options. I dont Even know where to begin. Perhaps you can school me on this RickRock? Or anyone here seeing this. THANK YOU!
Privatemdlabs is a great option. The female hormone panel will give you the main things that need looked at and that way you can order it on your own without a doctor
Thank you for your response, Dylan. Our friend RickRock helped me with this. Im set. You guys are taking good care of me here so far! Good lookin’ out!!!
you should get pre, mid and post cycle bloods.. you need a baseline to compare to... mid to see how things effect you and i think that post is rather obvious
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