Dylan you are the only person that I can trust that has the knowledge to help me with my situation. In 2015 I had my pituitary gland & tumor removed. I was in the ICU for 8 days & released from the hospital after a 12 days. I was 2 hours from death. I'm 50 years old and have a new & second chance at life. The tumor gave me diabetes type 2 & I was 250 lbs. at 6'1" wow I was huge! When I left the hospital my test level was 80. I'm on TRT at test cyp 200 mg every other week that I do myself. My current test levels are 650-1100. I'm on keto diet,I now run 3 miles every other day & work out regularly. I'm at 195 lbs and not on a strict keto diet like I was. I've tried Sarms lgd,cardarine,rad 140 even pro hormones 4-andro,1-andro max 2 with cycle support & estrogen limiters. Years ago I used to be shredded & now I know that the tumor really screwed my body up & now that I have another chance at life I would like to get back some of my former self. My wife likes my new body right now but it needs to improve. I want to run a cycle of test cyp 400 mg a week for 1-12 week with winny 40 mg everyday week 9-14, weeks 1-18 Aromasin 12.5 mg every 3rd day,weeks 15-18 Clomid 50/50/25/25,Nolvadex 40/40/20/20. I got this protocol off 1 of your sites. The last thing I want to do is bulk. Is the Clomid & Nolvadex necessary or just in case? What pct should I run? Life really sucks without a pituitary gland but I want to make the best of it. That damn gland controls everything. I also take a thyroid med. This would be my first cycle & I don't want to go too hard. Please email me when you get a chance because I didn't want this to be on the forum. My wife also misses my nuts but their just smaller. Thanks for your help if you can