Hip abduction - 4 sets (20/70,20/100,20/115,15/130)
Squat - 4 sets (7/155,6/165,6/185,6/205) - pinching pain in abdomen left side on last rep
Standing calf raise - 4 sets (20/135,20/145,20/145,20/155)
Hack squat - 3 sets (11/90,10/180,9/230)
Lying leg curl feet touching - 4 sets (12/65,11/95,10/100,8/100)
Leg press wide foot - 3 sets (15/180,12/270,11/270)
Leg extension - 3 sets (14/100,13/115,11/120)
AB crunch machine - 3 sets (30/80,28/95,16/95)
Roman chair leg raise - 2 sets (20,15)
Been out of the gym for an hour now and no more pain from the previous pinch I felt in the left side of my abdomen. Gonna keep an eye on it over the next few days. Definitely a wake up call to slow down on weight progression and focus on form.
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Hip abduction - 4 sets (20/70,20/100,20/115,15/130)
Squat - 4 sets (7/155,6/165,6/185,6/205) - pinching pain in abdomen left side on last rep
Standing calf raise - 4 sets (20/135,20/145,20/145,20/155)
Hack squat - 3 sets (11/90,10/180,9/230)
Lying leg curl feet touching - 4 sets (12/65,11/95,10/100,8/100)
Leg press wide foot - 3 sets (15/180,12/270,11/270)
Leg extension - 3 sets (14/100,13/115,11/120)
AB crunch machine - 3 sets (30/80,28/95,16/95)
Roman chair leg raise - 2 sets (20,15)
Been out of the gym for an hour now and no more pain from the previous pinch I felt in the left side of my abdomen. Gonna keep an eye on it over the next few days. Definitely a wake up call to slow down on weight progression and focus on form.
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