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Shortcut to SHRED: Week 2 - Day 5: Shoulders, Legs, Calves: Single-Joint Exercises

2078 calories
P: 194g
F: 94g
C: 90g

Hit 405lbs x 2 for an estimated 1RM of 430lbs. LFG.

Started Second week of Rad140/Mk2866/GW stack from Umbrella Labs
Got results of pre-cycle blood work. Surprised to see test at 967. Had done 4 weeks of enclomiphene at 12.5mg x 3 weeks with 1 week of 6.25mg after 6 weeks of test c 160mg (1st 3 weeks) and 200mg shots (last 3 weeks). Took bloodwork 3 weeks after the 4 week Enclomiphene pct.

What are ur thoughts on Enclomiphene as pct instead of nolva and/or clomid mini pct?


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Got results of pre-cycle blood work. Surprised to see test at 967. Had done 4 weeks of enclomiphene at 12.5mg x 3 weeks with 1 week of 6.25mg after 6 weeks of test c 160mg (1st 3 weeks) and 200mg shots (last 3 weeks). Took bloodwork 3 weeks after the 4 week Enclomiphene pct.

What are ur thoughts on Enclomiphene as pct instead of nolva and/or clomid mini pct?
What number was you expecting?
What number was you expecting?
I was expecting it to be lower because I had started TRT Test C shots for about 6 or 7 weeks then i stopped it all suddenly. So I figured that my natural production suppressed a bit but I did start enclomiphene PCT protocol for 4 weeks right after. When I took bloodwork, it was 3 weeks after PCT so wasnt on any compound or anything, just natural production I would suppose. Unless the Test C was still in my system but I doubt that because of 7 day half-life.

Last time it was almost this high (1000+) was after a 4 weeks clomid PCT 2 years ago after a similar SARM cycle but estrogen was through the roof at 80 and I was basicially going through PMS with mood swings, anxiety, depresssion, feelings of impending doom. LOL. This time with enclomiphene, test was up to 900+ with estradriol less than 30 and felt none of that.

Thats why again I ask what are this forum's thoughts on Enclomiphene Mini PCT vs Clomid/Nolva which can raise estrogen levels?
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