
Next cycle help

Good job on losing all that weight, that is a great thing to hear.
GOAT transformation
Thanks much! Here’s the progress (aug 2020-present). I’ll never be big—I don’t have the frame or genetics. With the exception of a couple different stages of my life, I’ve always vacillated between fat & skinny-fat. So this is easily the best condition I’ve been in since I graduated college. Just trying to get leaner and more aesthetic while maintaining my relative good health. Thanks for the encouragement!


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bro you sure you can handle ment
No, which is why I asked people more knowledgeable than me…I’ve accepted the fact that at 47 I’m too old to be taxing my body that much, which is why I’m going the route of relatively low doses of mild compounds for some additional body comp enhancement
At 47 why not run more mild compounds and focus on quality diet sleep and training, the gear is the icing on the cake a tool that you can utilize once you get everything else in proper order.

Take me for example I'm 35 and I stick with mild compounds and I've had great success utilizing them no bad sides no issues just quality performance in the gym and outside of it I carry on no worries.

Personally I am a huge fan of test and primo together.
At 47 why not run more mild compounds and focus on quality diet sleep and training, the gear is the icing on the cake a tool that you can utilize once you get everything else in proper order.

Take me for example I'm 35 and I stick with mild compounds and I've had great success utilizing them no bad sides no issues just quality performance in the gym and outside of it I carry on no worries.

Personally I am a huge fan of test and primo together.
Yes, agreed. This was my option #1 which I’m going to run in January after a 12 week break from my current cycle, which is also Test 375/Primo 400. Noticeable results w/ no sides. Only difference is, next cycle will add NPP & Proviron.
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