First if you read this Dylan thanks for helping with my registration so I can finally post,
41yo 5'10" 205 lbs. I figure 20%bf . A recent physical doc said all was good test was 326 which he said was good ??? I've been working out on and off for the last 15 years. I'm eat pretty clean no junk food and very little alcohol. My current workout is an hour of cardio first thing in the morning before I eat. After work it's back to the gym to actually lift. I've never used any gear except for store bought stuff.
My questions start with SARMS, should I be trying to lose weight first then add muscle ? . Is it possible to lose weight and add muscle at the same time ? What stack would you suggest for either. Am I training too much ? . What effects will sarms have on my test levels ?. I was thinking of taking 4 iu's of Hgh with sarms is that a good idea ? I'm sure I'll have more questions down the road but thanks in advance for everyone's input .
41yo 5'10" 205 lbs. I figure 20%bf . A recent physical doc said all was good test was 326 which he said was good ??? I've been working out on and off for the last 15 years. I'm eat pretty clean no junk food and very little alcohol. My current workout is an hour of cardio first thing in the morning before I eat. After work it's back to the gym to actually lift. I've never used any gear except for store bought stuff.
My questions start with SARMS, should I be trying to lose weight first then add muscle ? . Is it possible to lose weight and add muscle at the same time ? What stack would you suggest for either. Am I training too much ? . What effects will sarms have on my test levels ?. I was thinking of taking 4 iu's of Hgh with sarms is that a good idea ? I'm sure I'll have more questions down the road but thanks in advance for everyone's input .