I recently relocated to the Tampa area and away from my "coach/trainer" and I am looking for guidance to continue my progress.
35y/o Female
currently at 130lbs 5'5
train using various mountain dog training programs
ran cycles before with no negative side effects at all
currently looking to build muscle back/fill out a little more.
Diet is clean at 2100 calories. Water retention seems to be my biggest enemy. Currently supplement with dandelion root and it has seemed to help.
Been PC for about 6 months.
again new here and any suggestions would be appreciated.
35y/o Female
currently at 130lbs 5'5
train using various mountain dog training programs
ran cycles before with no negative side effects at all
currently looking to build muscle back/fill out a little more.
Diet is clean at 2100 calories. Water retention seems to be my biggest enemy. Currently supplement with dandelion root and it has seemed to help.
Been PC for about 6 months.
again new here and any suggestions would be appreciated.