
New to forum! hello everyone.


New member
New to forums so please bear with me
Age: 26
Height: 6'3
Weight: 245
Training history: i've been training since 17 but serious about bodybuilding since senior year of highschool.

To be honest: I come from ASF (anabolicsteroidforum). Ive heard way to many good things about this site, and i'm done with ASF. To many unproven sources and to much bullshit with members and mods. I like to join forums and gain knowledge that i can use in my everyday life and my future in this sport.. I would love to step on stage someday, but i am mainly on forums to learn and grow from you guys! And lastly, im here to gain a trustworthy source that i can trust for my cycles that i plan on doing.

Cycle history:
1st- cycle length: 12 weeks. 500mg test E per week!
2nd- cycle length 16 weeks: Test E 250mg, and tren A 400mg. Had Arimidex, caber, on hand. Used .25 arimidex eod.
(i know, it was a low dose. But definitely learned alot about due diligence, and myself in the process.)

next cycle..Definatley want to do TEST E, Tren Again.. would love some input on the dosings..

Ive heard way to many people tell me "low test, high tren is good for controlling sides, but low tren high test would help with the emotional mood swings" soo if you bros have any input on that, please inform me! Thanks!

Goals: Would love to step on stage in classic physique, hope to place top 5 maybe? ha.

Diet: Definitely something i need to work on, i will admit. Having a fiance who cooks amazing pasta is hard.. But i definitely make sure im eating a clean enough diet to not gain any extra pounds.. definitely will clean up diet when i prepare for my upcoming show! ha

About me:

Thanks for reading bros,

I hope to learn alot from you guys and be apart of the family!
ha thanks! honestly not sure. When i use the bodyfat hand thing at la fitness it says 15% one day, then 17% the next.. haha definitely dont have abs. I see the outlines, but nothing showoff worthy.. haha.

Do you advise on training abs daily? ive heard that if wanting to compete, dont train abs that much so you can keep the small waist..
welcome to isarms brother, great to have you... if yo post a pic i can help you gauge your body fat...
Welcome to isarms brother. Glad to have you with us. If you have any specific questions just let me know
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