Hey everybody, new member here. Spent a few hours reading some threads here and figured I'd join since it seemed like there were some knowledgeable folks around here. A little bit about myself, I'm 6'2, 235lbs. with about 19% bf. Been weight training for about 8 years now but I've always played sports and such, sonwas in decent shape before lifting. After a couple of years of training I wanted to take it up a notch so I did a couple of cycles. The very first one was just Test so I could see how my body reacted. Used Clomid as my pct, which is what I used at the endnote of all my cycles. After that I did a couple of cycles with test and tren a for 12 weeks each. Don't remember specific doses because it was a couple of years ago. I was a bit conservative though because I didnt wanna suffer severe sides. Then real life kicked in and over the past just over two years I've had two kids and that has thrown everything off. Diet went to shit, sleep, everything lol. Now that we have our schedules sorted I've got that fire back to get into the shape I was in. I was doing some research on SARMS because I wanted an alternative to juice. My diet is starting to get more consistent finally and I've been hitting the gym hard after a few weeks of really struggling to get back into the swing of it. As for supps I just take a pre workout and protein shakes. My goal is to lose this body fat I've put on while making some lean gains in the process. Gonna keep reading up on stuff for now and will ask when I have questions. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.