Hey Dylan I think you may have missed my reply here below regarding the cycle you suggested to me, so I'm resending it just in case. Ready to go just have a few questions.
Thanks Dylan. No worries about the response time man, your guys at AR jumped right in and got me motivated even more with their support in the meantime. Will I need to PCT after this regimen?
I am excited to work hard and be well again but I have to admit that all the talk I've heard of needing to do PCT and the dangers of not doing PCT correctly have me a little freaked out about the dangers of dabbling with hormone balance and the rest. I don't know what to expect as far as how I'll feel emotionally or physically during this regimen course. Can you put me at ease at all on this subject by educating me on what to expect or pointing me to useful videos, etc. explaining it more for someone like me who know nothing about these regimens and SARMS?
My urologist has me currently doing a 4 week course (ending this week actually) of HCG 1.5ml 3 x week and Clomid 25mg 2 x weekly indefinitely to increase my T levels...so would I continue the Clomid I'm already on and add this regimen above you suggest on top of that?
Lastly, can this regimen you recommend (SARMS?) be something I do to just get on track (90 days? 6 mos?) and then just take BCAA's for prolonged every day use going forward? I'm looking to get lean and strong and then maintain it, not grow too big. What do you think? Thanks for your help man!