
My local Dumbass.

This is exactly why I built a home gym and where I taught my sons (22 and 20) proper gym etiquette. What I lack in equipment I get creative and enjoy not dealing with dumbasses although they can be entertaining.

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worst thing i have ever seen is a big fat black guy doing back extension machine while he is eating a piece of pizza, mid set. this is at planet fitness of course..

That's actually a planet fitness video....and they feed you pizza there on a certain day of the month. The place is a joke
Funny shit. What kills me in the gym I go to is this group of teeny boppers posing in every mirror. I bet they weigh 150 tops. Shit drives me crazy! !!!
This isn't local, but this guy was injecting clen...

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This thread made me laugh at work. All the funny things I see people do in the gym will fill a book. Look on youtube!
Instead of offering to help him, and maybe teach or offer encouragement, you yelled at him.
# waytomotivatesomeonebro
You bet your ass I did and funny thing is the kid comes to me almost weekly for advice now. Seems it did motivate him. He's been doing a lot better actually.

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