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More Deca Durabolin information for upcoming cycle.


New member
Dylan, I love your YouTube channel and recommend your videos, and this forum to all of my gym buddies interested in starting a cycle. There is SO much misinformation out there, it really takes someone dedicated to the craft to dispel all the myths surrounding some of these compounds.

I've been interested in Deca for a while but reluctant to throw it in, because of the obvious concerns surrounding it. However I want to take the leap and I'm gathering everything I'd need to do it safely, but there are still some details that I can't seem to iron out.

First is dosage. I'm seeing everything from starting at 650 and going all the way up to 750 - 1.5g. Now after watching your videos on it and your recommendation of 400 being the ceiling, that sounds like madness but everyone is saying it. When I mentioned using Deca at 400, I was told that it's a waste and that I wouldn't see any progress from such a low dose. I am more inclined to believe what you're saying, than someone on Reddit but can you explain why people are taking such high dosages, and have you yourself taken them that high? Also is 400 taking into consideration that most if not all UGL gear is underdosed to some degree? You also said to keep Test and Deca within 50 of each other, yet everyone else is saying low Test, high Deca. Why are there so many guys using this stuff wrong? Is it just ignorance or what?

Next is about Caber. Guys that I have asked about this have said to only take it when necessary but from your video it seems it should be taken EOD. When should I start taking Caber, and how much?

Lastly, proper PCT. I was going to use Nolva and HCG, is there anything else you'd recommend? I'm still deciding whether I want to come off or just B&C till my next one and then cut and PCT for summer. If you have any advice or suggestions regarding that, feel free to chime in.

Thanks again for all your information man, It's so important for harm reduction.
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The terrible advice you'll get in the gym and on other sites is sad. Whoever recommended you go up to 1.5 grams of Deca the first time really needs to be out of your life
Damn man, 600mg minimum on deca up to a gram and a half? That's madness. And no caber until it's needed? That's not very smart. I would think go anywhere near a place that has advice like that.

Caber dose is 0.5mg every 3 days

What is your stats, experience, and goals?

Your pct should look like this, which you can get at

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK2866 25mg per day
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
There is a lot of good information out there. It's just hard to know what's what.

I know Dylan or RR will give you the break down. But what I know/read is you want to run Test higher or equal dose.
You should run Deca about 1.2mg - 2mg x body weight. Some will tell you they prefer higher ratio test dose because of how suppressant Deca came be, while others like it more equal. I think you'll have to figure out what's best for you.

You definitely want caber during cycle to help with prolactin issues, why wait until you have symptoms to start fighting the issue? That seems like a bad idea. Depending on your layout you'll want to start with .25mg every 3rd day and go from there.

I don't know much about PCT as I'm on TRT myself. But you'll be running AI during cycle and during PCT.

There are a bunch of more experienced and knowledgeable guys on here that will better assist you. I know they will chime in and give you some good information. Good luck on your cycle and welcome to the forums!
Having had to fight a gyno flare up before I'd always recommend running your Aromasin and caber or prami from the beginning. .5 mgs of prevention is worth a gram of cure
Been seriously training for 4 years, completed my first 15 week cycle 4 months ago.

5'9" 180 lbs.

Deadlift 364# / Bench 209# / Squat 294#

Blonde hair, blue eyes. Avid finger painter, like the Walking Dead.... Anything else? :p
Having had to fight a gyno flare up before I'd always recommend running your Aromasin and caber or prami from the beginning. .5 mgs of prevention is worth a gram of cure

yeah, i keep letro on hand too, JIC
better to be prepared if something pops up
Yea like I said above, I did not take them seriously at all and would never run it that high. I'm simply wondering why basically everyone I've seen or met uses it at such high doses. Thank you for the info brother, so no HCG with PCT huh? Dylan mentioned that, I've also heard a lot of people recommend it as well.

Been training seriously for 4 years, 5'9" 180 lbs.

Deadlift 364# / Bench 209# / Squat 294#
.5 mgs of prevention is worth a gram of cure
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Ayyyy haha. Thanks man, I'll be running it from the beginning. Stoked to start pinning again!
this is pretty much exactly what dylan laid out in one of his videos, but here's what I'm running for my first deca cycle:

pinned once a week:
250mg deca- primary bulking
250mg test c- test base, balances hormones during nandralone cycle other goodness

caber .5mg every three days (I've also see twice a week)- prevents prolactin buildup (deca dick and other nasty sides)

LGD 10mg every day- additional bulking

GW-501516 20mg every day- boosts endurance

aromasin 12.5mg EOD- fights estrogen buildup

hcg 4wks, starting at the end of the cycle

full pct as already laid out starting 2weeks after the end of the cycle

you can add in tbol for the first 4 weeks to boost gains.
Some people run the deca and test for 16wks instead of 12 to maximize gains.
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2 weeks, deca is a long ester so it take a little bit to kick in.
that's why TBol and LGD are good to add in.
i'll be posting my results at the end of the cycle.
This is my cycle with Deca

Test Cyp 250 wk 125 twice wk
Deca 250 wk 125 twice wk
Caber .25 twice wk
Anastrozole .5 - 3x wk
GHRP-6 every night before bed
I take the Caber every time I pin and have been pinning every 4th day. I take the Anastrozole m-w-f.
No issues with sides and plenty of gains on this cycle. The GHRP-6 can be a bitch because it makes you really hungry but it's worth it!

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