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More Deca Durabolin information for upcoming cycle.

This is my cycle with Deca

Test Cyp 250 wk 125 twice wk
Deca 250 wk 125 twice wk
Caber .25 twice wk
Anastrozole .5 - 3x wk
GHRP-6 every night before bed
I take the Caber every time I pin and have been pinning every 4th day. I take the Anastrozole m-w-f.
No issues with sides and plenty of gains on this cycle. The GHRP-6 can be a bitch because it makes you really hungry but it's worth it!

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This right here is a great cycle and I'd advise about the same doses except maybe a bit higher test at like 350mg and use aromasin for your AI at 12.5mg EOD

I know you're on trt, but for the OP your pct should look like this which you can get from

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
as you already know reddit is a fucking joke! i mean, its worse than evo practically and thats about as low as you can get...

also, completely wrong on ugl's... fuck, many of them dose their shit HIGHER not lower man... to make it more potent... far less would underdose it... thats not common practice by anyone that wants or has had longevity as a source...

go ahead an run it 600-800 and let me know how that works for you... just remember that i tried to warn you before hand...

IM NOT SAYING THAT TO YOU BRO, just in general... because ultimately, there would be a thread about 3-4 weeks later begging for help and wanting to know why they are bloated, lethargic, no energy, cant use their dick, feel like shit etc... you will get every side you can imagine at those doses... ive ran fucking deca at 200-250 and got HUGE results... typical meat heads that i just fucking despise... those guys are so fucking hopped and just irrational... one must LOOK AT and CONSIDER their source of information... or the site they are using.. i mean, who the fuck even uses reddit for a ped and bodybuilding forum LOLLLL that says enough bro... you did the right thing coming here and asking... you are actually in good and caring hands here... you can run it however you like but understand, i told you and warned you... you don't sound like the type that wants to or would need to learn the hard way but unfortunately , not everyone thinks or acts that way..
Thanks for the reply Dylan,

As far as Reddit is concerned, I simply like getting other people's experiences and that's it. There are some very knowledgeable people on that forum but I take everything everyone says with a grain of salt. As you know, bro science is strong and it is difficult to find reliable information with all of that floating around.

I am definitely not one to jump head first into anything, let alone steroids. My first cycle was very mild compared to what guys are typically running and I am vehemently against the more is better concept. I am not doing competitions, I simply want to achieve certain lifting goals and gain a certain physique, and I'm okay with taking the long road to get there.

So for someone like myself, what would you recommend a good starting dosage for Deca and Test be?
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Thanks for the reply Dylan,

As far as Reddit is concerned, I simply like getting other people's experiences and that's it. There are some very knowledgeable people on that forum but I take everything everyone says with a grain of salt. As you know, bro science is strong and it is difficult to find reliable information with all of that floating around.

I am definitely not one to jump head first into anything, let alone steroids. My first cycle was very mild compared to what guys are typically running and I am vehemently against the more is better concept. I am not doing competitions, I simply want to achieve certain lifting goals and gain a certain physique, and I'm okay with taking the long road to get there.

So for someone like myself, what would you recommend a good starting dosage for Deca and Test be?

i LOVE your attitude and way of doing things and listen bro, i certainly dont blame you for looking for experiences etc... you are very wise for doing so, thats just not the spot i would go to, but im sure there are some there that have a clue but clearly, far more do not...

350/350 is perfect for your test to deca ratio... trust me, you will see... give it about 4-5 weeks and let deca get going... its a long ester but when it kicks, you will see quickly... what are your goals from the cycle?
Oh man that cycle looks tasty, I might just have to copy that minus the Anastrozole because I'm still a rookie. Can you tell me why you're taking Test Cyp versus Enanthate?

GHRP-6 making you hungry might be a good thing for me. I take Modafinil every day which heavily suppresses my appetite. It would be nice to enjoy food again haha.

Thanks for the info brother.
Yea I understand that, and if someone does enough research they will eventually find out which information is bullshit and I never start anything until I reach that point haha.

Okay awesome, and with that dosage what would you start your Aromasin and Caber at? Also how long would you recommend the cycle be, and is B&C out of the question?

Well this cycle going into Fall and Winter, I really want to pack on strength and size, work on some imbalances, etc. which is why I was initially interested in Deca. I have no interest in trying Tren, I know it is the king of steroids, but from it's apparent side effects, doesn't sound like my cup of tea lol.
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Yea I understand that, and if someone does enough research they will eventually find out which information is bullshit and I never start anything until I reach that point haha.

Okay awesome, and with that dosage what would you start your Aromasin and Caber at? Also how long would you recommend the cycle be, and is B&C out of the question?

Well this cycle going into Fall and Winter, I really want to pack on strength and size, work on some imbalances, etc. which is why I was initially interested in Deca. I have no interest in trying Tren, I know it is the king of steroids, but from it's apparent side effects, doesn't sound like my cup of tea lol.

im going to layout the entire cycle for you... i would add a few sarms... s4, lgd and rad... PERFECT for everything your doing... here is a link to get the entire pct... all of your sarms and aromasin can be found at as well...

here is the pct link...

1-12 test cyp 350 mg week
1-12 deca 350 mg week
1-14 aromasin 12.5 mg every other day
1-12 caber .5 mg every three days
1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
11-14 hcg 1000 ius week

pct 15-18

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
Oh man that cycle looks tasty, I might just have to copy that minus the Anastrozole because I'm still a rookie. Can you tell me why you're taking Test Cyp versus Enanthate?

GHRP-6 making you hungry might be a good thing for me. I take Modafinil every day which heavily suppresses my appetite. It would be nice to enjoy food again haha.

Thanks for the info brother.

I take test cyp because it's the test that my TRT doc prescribed to me. I like the long Esther. Glad to share bro. We are all in this together [emoji106][emoji123]

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Oh man that cycle looks tasty, I might just have to copy that minus the Anastrozole because I'm still a rookie. Can you tell me why you're taking Test Cyp versus Enanthate?

GHRP-6 making you hungry might be a good thing for me. I take Modafinil every day which heavily suppresses my appetite. It would be nice to enjoy food again haha.

Thanks for the info brother.

Not much difference between Enanthate and cypionate. Just a slightly longer half like with cypionate. I strictly use cypionate myself
I did 600 deca once and my dick was in hibernation for 4 months after my last injection bro. People do that because they think they have to and haven't ever even bothered trying reasonable doses so they have no experience to even say it's a waste or not. Crooked forum owners who have UGLs etc will make up fake cycles of this pro or that pro and say they use insane doses so that people will buy more gear and on and on the unethical behavior goes. Plus there are so many nincompoops out there that still believe water weight is muscle mass and so they think their dumb dosing gave great results when it really just gave more side effects. There is no such thing as a waste unless you're doing something under what's equal to a natural testosterone level. And deca is way more anabolic than test so 400mg a week is very anabolic. Always start low and assess for yourself on any hormone and don't take anyone's word for it.

Phurious Pharma rep
[email protected]
'JS5' for 5% off your order!
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I take test cyp because it's the test that my TRT doc prescribed to me. I like the long Esther. Glad to share bro. We are all in this together [emoji106][emoji123]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

absolutely.. im a firm believer in "if it is not broke, then don't fix it" and i have always used cyp and it seems to be doing ok for me all this time so i always stick with it =) there is very little difference between the two and it could be more mental than anything but cyp has always been my close friend and i intend to keep it that way...
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