

Thanks. Ill give it another week at this new protocol presuming nothing flares up to bad and go from there. Ill update as i go... oh and im dieting pretty hard but my weight isn't moving. Still sitting around 92kg... could be water weight.
Thanks. Ill give it another week at this new protocol presuming nothing flares up to bad and go from there. Ill update as i go... oh and im dieting pretty hard but my weight isn't moving. Still sitting around 92kg... could be water weight.

if your currently using 677 and holding water then its likely your sodium/potassium ratio... when this is not aligned, you will see water.. try adding potassium
Iv reduced carbs to only a bit of sweet potatoe and blueberries plus natural unsweetened yougurt and veges.. some nuts. Trying to get lower. So don't want to go ott on the coconut water
My goals are to drop to 85kg by april football (soccer) season. Training 5x week hiit sessions and running the rest. Diet improving as i go... whole foods, reducing carbs. lots of good fats and protein. 28 years old. Thanks for the tips... i have a feeling i need to reduce some water retention
dont be fully dependent on the potassium supplement... what you get from the supplement form is only minimal... absolutely it will help but you need to make sure you are finding it from food sources brother...
I am for sure but I could have some coconut water during the day. I just made me a pot of kale and butternut squash, mushroom, and carrot soup in my pressure cooker
brother, im allergic to bananas... HUGE misconception that they are like the end all be all of potassium rich foods... not even close to the truth... read here

bananas are not even close to the most rich in potassium... you have A LOT of options

Yup! Pomegranates have a lot of potassium, over 500mg in 8oz of organic pomegranate/tart cherry juice too. If you can get "Smart Juice" somewhere that juice is my go-to for potassium.
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Usapeptide , good reviews and I've used other products from then. I think 99% of people get zero prolactin sides but im probably that 1%... had bad sides in my early 20s using test, dbol etc. Haven't used any "peds" for over 6 years... ill keep an eye on it over the next few days and adjust the dosing protocol a bit

They used to be good and then got bought by another company. As soon as that happened everything turned to shit. I'd suggest you go sarmsx from here on out man.
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