
MK vs Ghrp6


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As the title suggests
Which one would you guys say is more effective? Both are supposed to cause a release of GH by mimicking grellin
Which would you choose Mk-677 or Ghrp6
I am currently using mk 677 I'm in my 2 and month of rotator cuff recovery shoulder has allot of atraphy but seem like mk is on the job making recovery so fast that doctor can't believe as for other affects to early to see workouts are slow and easy but steady

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I am currently using mk 677 I'm in my 2 and month of rotator cuff recovery shoulder has allot of atraphy but seem like mk is on the job making recovery so fast that doctor can't believe as for other affects to early to see workouts are slow and easy but steady

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I heard mk is good for pumps too i heard that they are like dbol pumps, do you find that?

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Maybe my good body parts get really good pumps anyway so really hard to tell at this point will see in another 2 weeks

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Will try to post update in 2 weeks other than that therapy doc can't believe how fast I'm recovering so really good on injuries

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As the title suggests
Which one would you guys say is more effective? Both are supposed to cause a release of GH by mimicking grellin
Which would you choose Mk-677 or Ghrp6

You pose a good question. Here's the gist:

MK-677 does affect the hGH-IGF-I axis, but not exclusively. Whereas GHRP6 is a potent synthetic ghrelin mimetic(6), all it does is affect GH and the downstream effects it causes. MK-677 affects a wide array of tissues, including but not limited to recomposition of total body fat, restoration of LDL cholesterol parameters(1)(2), Acceleration of bone matrix synthesis parameters(3), helps restore vitality to the heart and cardiovascular system(4), Prevent damage and age related death to heart muscle cells(5) and much more. Here's a link to a comprehensive article on this forum I recommend you read:!-13054.html

Assuming you don't care about all of those benefits that MK-677 would hold over GHRP-6, I'll answer your core question: Which one is more effective with respect to affecting the GH axis?
Simple. MK-677 results in long, sustainable effects on the GH-IGF-I axis. It causes the set point of the CNS neuro-secretory system to rise over time and changes the baseline. It takes longer to kick into effect, and lasts longer, causing a more sustainable effect on this axis.
GHRP-2 is more potent but quick to act, quick to dissipate, and leaves virtually no long lasting effects in a similar fashion(6). Once you stop administration, the benefits stop, notwithstanding it not having any of the additional benefits mentioned with respect to MK-677.

Think of MK-677 as the marathon runner, in it to produce long standing results that are sustainable; GHRP-2 would be a better choice if you wanna dash 100 yards really quickly by comparison. Both are effective in their own way.

GHRP-2 is quite effective at what it does, even though I hadn't done much research into it yet (maybe if there's demand), but in order to enjoy its short lasting specific effects, it would have to be administered regularly, daily and indefinitely.

(1)Nass, R., Pezzoli, S.S., Oliveri, M.C. et al. Effects of an oral ghrelin mimetic on body composition and clinical outcomes in healthy older adults: A randomized trial/ Ann Intern Med. 2008; 149: 601–611
(2)Katz, A., Nambi, S.S., Mather, K. et al. Quantitative insulin sensitivity check index: A simple, accurate method for assessing insulin sensitivity in human. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2000; 85: 2402–2410
(3)MK-0677 (ibutamoren mesylate) for the treatment of patients recovering from hip fracture: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled phase IIb study/ Adunsky A, Chandler J, Heyden N, Lutkiewicz J, Scott BB, Berd Y, Liu N, Papanicolaou DA; Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (2011);
(4)The effects of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 on the aging cardiovascular system and its progenitor cells/ Devin JK, Young PP; Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs, London (2008)
(5)Ghrelin and des-acyl ghrelin inhibit cell death in cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells through ERK1/2 and PI 3-kinase/AKT/ Gianluca B, Nicoletta F, Santina C, Filomena C et al.; The Journal of Cell Biology(2002)
(6)Cabrales A, Gil J, Fernández E, Valenzuela C, Hernández F, García I, Hernández A, Besada V, Reyes O, Padrón G, Berlanga J, Guillén G, González LJ (2013). "Pharmacokinetic study of Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide 6 (GHRP-6) in nine male healthy volunteers". Eur J Pharm Sci. 48 (1-2): 40–6.
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You pose a good question. Here's the gist:

MK-677 does affect the hGH-IGF-I axis, but not exclusively. Whereas GHRP6 is a potent synthetic ghrelin mimetic(6), all it does is affect GH and the downstream effects it causes. MK-677 affects a wide array of tissues, including but not limited to recomposition of total body fat, restoration of LDL cholesterol parameters(1)(2), Acceleration of bone matrix synthesis parameters(3), helps restore vitality to the heart and cardiovascular system(4), Prevent damage and age related death to heart muscle cells(5) and much more. Here's a link to a comprehensive article on this forum I recommend you read:!-13054.html

Assuming you don't care about all of those benefits that MK-677 would hold over GHRP-6, I'll answer your core question: Which one is more effective with respect to affecting the GH axis?
Simple. MK-677 results in long, sustainable effects on the GH-IGF-I axis. It causes the set point of the CNS neuro-secretory system to rise over time and changes the baseline. It takes longer to kick into effect, and lasts longer, causing a more sustainable effect on this axis.
GHRP-2 is more potent but quick to act, quick to dissipate, and leaves virtually no long lasting effects in a similar fashion(6). Once you stop administration, the benefits stop, notwithstanding it not having any of the additional benefits mentioned with respect to MK-677.

Think of MK-677 as the marathon runner, in it to produce long standing results that are sustainable; GHRP-2 would be a better choice if you wanna dash 100 yards really quickly by comparison. Both are effective in their own way.

GHRP-2 is quite effective at what it does, even though I hadn't done much research into it yet (maybe if there's demand), but in order to enjoy its short lasting specific effects, it would have to be administered regularly, daily and indefinitely.

(1)Nass, R., Pezzoli, S.S., Oliveri, M.C. et al. Effects of an oral ghrelin mimetic on body composition and clinical outcomes in healthy older adults: A randomized trial/ Ann Intern Med. 2008; 149: 601–611
(2)Katz, A., Nambi, S.S., Mather, K. et al. Quantitative insulin sensitivity check index: A simple, accurate method for assessing insulin sensitivity in human. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2000; 85: 2402–2410
(3)MK-0677 (ibutamoren mesylate) for the treatment of patients recovering from hip fracture: a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled phase IIb study/ Adunsky A, Chandler J, Heyden N, Lutkiewicz J, Scott BB, Berd Y, Liu N, Papanicolaou DA; Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (2011);
(4)The effects of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 on the aging cardiovascular system and its progenitor cells/ Devin JK, Young PP; Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs, London (2008)
(5)Ghrelin and des-acyl ghrelin inhibit cell death in cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells through ERK1/2 and PI 3-kinase/AKT/ Gianluca B, Nicoletta F, Santina C, Filomena C et al.; The Journal of Cell Biology(2002)
(6)Cabrales A, Gil J, Fernández E, Valenzuela C, Hernández F, García I, Hernández A, Besada V, Reyes O, Padrón G, Berlanga J, Guillén G, González LJ (2013). "Pharmacokinetic study of Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptide 6 (GHRP-6) in nine male healthy volunteers". Eur J Pharm Sci. 48 (1-2): 40–6.
After reading this, I have nothing more to add. Absolutely spot on and perfect.

I hope this clears up for you why MK677 is superior to peptides in every way

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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