


It takes approximately 4 to 6 months to see positive results when taking HGH, if I was to use MK-677 how long would it take to see the exact same result from HGH?

IMO HGH would be stronger then MK-677 so my guess would be 8 to 10 months
both hgh and mk677 should be ran 6-12 months. HGH is more potent, but extremely expensive and requires daily pinning which gets old very quick. I advise for the highest quality mk677, im using it right now works great
Can I cycle on and off Mk-677 like 2months on and 1 - 2 months off?
Will I still get the same results after the months on cycle, add up to 6 to 12 months?
Mk677 isn't HGH itself as you know, but it's releasing potentially up to 2iu of real natural GH made by your own body. Having said that it's the same, However the length of time it takes to see results depends on what result you're talking about and also your diet. Increased GH secretion can show effects in as little as a month. 6-8 months refers to seeing massive fat melting effects and muscle growth. It will still aid in both of those effects in a week of use but you won't notice it if you're looking in a mirror to judge effectiveness.

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It takes approximately 4 to 6 months to see positive results when taking HGH, if I was to use MK-677 how long would it take to see the exact same result from HGH?

IMO HGH would be stronger then MK-677 so my guess would be 8 to 10 months
You honestly can't compare the two bro. One is giving you exogenous GH and the other is a secretogue causing more natural GH release. They both take similar time frames. Of course with a good GH dose from a legit quality source it's more powerful effects, but MK677 gives similar effects and results. I had a very positive experience with it and can't wait to go on it again honestly

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
ya I love the way I feel on it for sure and I sleep like a champ had some bloat and some hunger in the beginning but now its all good I think im goin on 4 or 5 months
if I double the dosage rather then 2iu's my gland produces can I get 4iu's out of it?
No, it does not work that way bro. It is not recommended to exceed the 25mg dose per day. You can only ask so much from your pituitary for extra GH release

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
you should never exceed 25 mg per day... you cant compare exact time frames for results in comparison to hgh... thats impossible to do.... DO NOT have the "more is better" concept on dosing or your going to learn the hard way... i DESPISE that rationale... it only leads to people getting hurt... its stupidity and recklessness at its finest.. thats NOT how it works... you will get huge results at the proper dosing for the proper length of time... 677 is the CLOSEST thing you can find to actual hgh... 25 mg per day is the highest you should go...
no problem bro...

Quick question Dylan. I am just finishing up the first stack of GW, S-4 and 677. The one thing that I did notice is that I got extremely groggy around week four/five and attribute that to the 677. Does is tend to pass, or should I take the 677 off the list and move onto something else? Outside of that, I am seeing good results with size and strength gains.

Thanks much.
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