
Mild Gyno from Sarms


So I completed my bulk cycle a couple of months ago and it has caused me to have mild gyno. All the information on here says that can't happen but it did. I bought my sarms from sarmsx dosed properly and did a complete pct with nolva clomid and GW. I started to see it near the end of my pct so I continued the nolva use for a little longer. Well it didn't go away and now I have mild gyno. How can I get rid of this. People need to know that sarms can cause this. That's all I was on and I've never ever had any sort of pre existing problems with gyno. I really don't want saggy titties for summer.

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Man it's a serious issue do you have a bill SARMSX products that you've bought. If yes then there's a hope that somebody could help you here. Not me I'm a new one here.

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I have a log on here of all the products that I took but here it is again. Rad140, S4, LGD, GW, and MK2866

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I have a log on here of all the products that I took but here it is again. Rad140, S4, LGD, GW, and MK2866

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Also post your gyno pic with your stats

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Also post your gyno pic with your stats

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22 years, old 5 foot 11, idk body fat %, weight is 190lbs. Done two sarms cycles all products from sarmsx and always did proper pct.


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It is a possibility if you are really susceptible to it. It is rare but possible. Someone should be able to give you a good protocol
is there a lump?

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No lump no just a fat deposit or tissue that wasn't there before. Pretty sure it isn't fat because it wasn't there my whole bulking cycle, only appeared after. I've also tried losing some weight since and no luck, hasn't gone away

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No lump no just a fat deposit or tissue that wasn't there before. Pretty sure it isn't fat because it wasn't there my whole bulking cycle, only appeared after. I've also tried losing some weight since and no luck, hasn't gone away

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The good news is you can probably get rid of it without surgery. I got a tiny lump a couple blasts ago and Aromasin and Nolvadex got rid of it. I'm sure someone can chime in with another possibly better protocol.

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The good news is you can probably get rid of it without surgery. I got a tiny lump a couple blasts ago and Aromasin and Nolvadex got rid of it. I'm sure someone can chime in with another possibly better protocol.

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Good to hear, thanks!

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22 years, old 5 foot 11, idk body fat %, weight is 190lbs. Done two sarms cycles all products from sarmsx and always did proper pct.

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Doesnt look like gyno. mine look like that some times when i stretch my chest a certain way. Maybe you lost some fat or water in the chest?
Doesnt look like gyno. mine look like that some times when i stretch my chest a certain way. Maybe you lost some fat or water in the chest?

That could be a possibility, I'll give it a little while longer and see what happens. I'm just nervous!

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That could be a possibility, I'll give it a little while longer and see what happens. I'm just nervous!

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I really think its loose skin when you tighten the muscle. mine does the same thing
Just like some of these guys stated, in some cases individuals are more susceptible to gyno from sarms, it's rare but it happens

It's most likely caused by rad 140 or lgd, For most people it's unecessary to run an AI with sarms but for you I'd suggest running Aromasin throughout your next cycle, EOD 12.5 mg, and getting 5-10g of d aspartic acid in your system the last 4 weeks of cycle before starting pct, it should help get rid of that, if not prevent it

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Just like some of these guys stated, in some cases individuals are more susceptible to gyno from sarms, it's rare but it happens

It's most likely caused by rad 140 or lgd, For most people it's unecessary to run an AI with sarms but for you I'd suggest running Aromasin throughout your next cycle, EOD 12.5 mg, and getting 5-10g of d aspartic acid in your system the last 4 weeks of cycle before starting pct, it should help get rid of that, if not prevent it

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Okay sounds good, forgot to include that I did take daa last four weeks. Didn't run an AI though.

For future when I want to run a test cycle is this going to be something I have to be extra careful about? Is it going to prevent me from running a cycle?

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Way I look at AI, it's an insurance policy.
Other things to consider as causes is patterns. What were your last couple cycles before going on these 2 sarms cycles? Your body may become dependent on certain compounds that you ran prior, then switched to sarms and your body reacted differently than most others. Once again rare case but probable.

As for future cycles, if you're running a test only cycle, which if you're new to this and in your 20s, I'd suggest sticking to only test, running 500 mg a week, with AI of 12.5mg EOD for 12 weeks. Gyno should not be an issue,

Hope that helps! Good luck

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My left nipple looks a little like that, but I've been attributing it to loose skin as I did lose a fair bit of weight. If I remember correct you've been lean for a while now though. From what I can tell it looks mild, I hope it will go away for you bro.

Yeah you're right I have always been lean, most I've weighed was 200 but still had visible abs, didn't put on a lot of fat. I can't see how I would lose that much muscle after my cycle to cause this. Thanks, I hope it goes away before summer! Maybe I'll just fill out my chest with some synthol, I'll have to hit up Boston Loyd ;)

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