
Mid Cycle Bloodwork

1.Test flu and major PIP may be due to the fact that you are pinning virgin muscles or may not be pinning properly (as in possibly oil leakage going subq or not injecting deep enough into the muscle) or just inexperience which will take time and practice.
2. Not sure if increased WBC is due to PIP, i have not heard of this before.
3.Your panel clearly states that a normal estradiol range is 7.6-42.6 pg/mL yours is 30.4 and every persons optimal range will vary
4.Of course estrogen could be lowered, but would not make any difference as you are still in range based off the numbers unless you are experiencing estrogen like side effects than you should consider altering your E levels further to suit your needs.
5.Aromasin or any other compounds for that matter can affect people in many different ways, there is no one way for anyone except yourself to determine if armoasin is killing your appetite or not as there could me too many factors to just pinpoint. Test does not make your appetite increase as such, but allows the user to increase their workload which in turn burns more calories and causes increased appetite, not per say the actual compound itself. MK677 & Marijuana on the other hand are compounds that do truly increase hunger and appetite.
6.Cold sweats/night sweats are very common when utilizing any hormone altering compound, as your body attempts to force itself back into homeostasis form which causes people to sweat. Especially notorious for this side effect would be Trenbolone. Very common occurence while using hormones

What exactly do u mean oil leakage subq? Oil on the needle going in?
What exactly do u mean oil leakage subq? Oil on the needle going in?

Oil can leak into the subcutaneous layer (between muscle and fat) if not injetced properly or not deep enough into the muscle. Can cause some very serious pip, can turn the injection site red and can form a lump. Basically shit hurts
def not questioning the methods but I am what gauge needle and how long was it that you are injecting with?
You probably could have waited another week or two. Some people take a little longer to reach peak, and your levels were lower than mine when starting. Are you running test only?

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You dont base the numbers of what u use a week. You base them off last pin dosage before blood draw. For one. For two look at his test levels before he started extremly low. So ofcourse he would get a low number after 5 weeks.


So if I had been pinning 500 once a week compared to 250 twice a week my bloods would have been higher? I'm confused I figured they would be the same.
So if I had been pinning 500 once a week compared to 250 twice a week my bloods would have been higher? I'm confused I figured they would be the same.

Yes the proper testosterone is based on 7-10 times the last injected dose prior to blood draw. So this time it should have been between 1700 and 2500. U were 1400 so being that ur test was not a normal level prior to starting thats a decent number. Because ur t was low so it boosted your t level to a normal range plus more. Thats to say if ur t level pevel was not 300 but more like 7-900 then your number would have been more like 400-500 points higher or in the proper range of 1600-2500.

As far as the pip is concerned have to take into account that this is ur first time doing this. My first cycle i hurt all the time and as the cycles went on my muscles were used to it and i felt nothing. Its all pain tolerance.

And some injection technique also could be where ur injecting. Hitting veins or hitting nerve clusters not deep enough etc

So if I had been pinning 500 once a week compared to 250 twice a week my bloods would have been higher? I'm confused I figured they would be the same.

I'm confused on this same thing to. Next time I might do a 500mg shot before blood draw and get peak blood levels that way. What was your dosing schedule? I think your blood levels will drop rapidly after 4 days on an enanthate ester. That's why I think its best to test calculation after your 1 shot you do
I'm confused on this same thing to. Next time I might do a 500mg shot before blood draw and get peak blood levels that way. What was your dosing schedule? I think your blood levels will drop rapidly after 4 days on an enanthate ester. That's why I think its best to test calculation after your 1 shot you do

He was doing 250 twice a week.

But it dowsnt matter what u inject or how much that just determines part of the equation to determine potency of gear. The next is timing of draw like test should be drawn within 18-24 hours after inject for proper numbers. Test e should be 24 - 36 hours. Cyp within 72 hours. But like sustanon no point i. Testing becasue there is too many esters leaving and building in the system thats why it not the best compound because there arnt stable blood levels or saturation. A yo yo effect.

He was doing 250 twice a week.

But it dowsnt matter what u inject or how much that just determines part of the equation to determine potency of gear. The next is timing of draw like test should be drawn within 18-24 hours after inject for proper numbers. Test e should be 24 - 36 hours. Cyp within 72 hours. But like sustanon no point i. Testing becasue there is too many esters leaving and building in the system thats why it not the best compound because there arnt stable blood levels or saturation. A yo yo effect.


Test prop. Sorry typo in the beggining

Does anyone reccomend injecting one a week instead of twice? I just figured splitting it up may keep things more stable. I am running cyp.
Oil can leak into the subcutaneous layer (between muscle and fat) if not injetced properly or not deep enough into the muscle. Can cause some very serious pip, can turn the injection site red and can form a lump. Basically shit hurts
I've done this before, I actually have done it quit often using smaller 1 inch pins. I get ZERO pip. So this is not the reason (or I doubt) its the reason for the alleged pip claimed by the OP. I hate to say this but maybe the OP is attempting to RS.
I've done this before, I actually have done it quit often using smaller 1 inch pins. I get ZERO pip. So this is not the reason (or I doubt) its the reason for the alleged pip claimed by the OP. I hate to say this but maybe the OP is attempting to RS.


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