SdBronco said:
I've heard people say they are basically the same thing (visually) and have very similar effects in the mirror. I know they are different compounds with different mechanisms of action, but I don't care bout that.
I'm looking for something to add in addition to test+EQ for a dryer, leaner look as well as give me better estrogen protection. I plan to run 400mg a week of both. I'm thinking maybe 400mg Mast E, or 200mg Mast E and 50mg proviron, or maybe really high proviron 100mg or more.
What do you guys think? Which is better at giving you a more ripped, dry appearance? I'm leaning towards masteron, I want the lowest dosage possible.
That's some very good, and awesome info there DG, and I agree completely!
I have a great deal of love for both of these but lets look at the bigger picture here... in no way can they be compared in terms of strength to strength as masteron would win every time... the issue here is more so who qualifies as a user of each.... generally anyone can run proviron... its basically not even a steroid in terms of toxicity, suppression etc. because its damn well non existent... sides are minimal at best... it is technically a steroid but BY FAR the most mild of any... its the ultimate complimentary on any cycle and carries several positive characteristics but nothing that is drastic in any way... on its own, you would probably only see the libido increase and some other small subtle characteristics but it won't shine as it does in a complimentary role... its like the 6th man on a basketball team... its a key component but not the star...
masteron on the other hand can carry some more drastic results IF and only IF you are in the right condition... masteron is a pure aesthetic... YES, it carries other benefits but to what extent? its very mild, won't add much size, if any and has specific reasoning for use and that's for body sculpting... yes, some have it in their mind it can be substituted for an AI as they do with proviron, which NEITHER should be... YES, both carry anti gyno "characteristics" but in no way should be a complete substitute... masteron as proviron provides muscle hardening, libido increases etc however masteron is FAR more pronounced and is the ultimate aesthetic in the steroid world... the problem is that people believe its made for weight loss.. ITS NOT... its for people who are in extremely lean condition and simply cannot make it that extra step and when they add masteron, the hardening, sculpting, vascularity and drying out occurs at a drastic rate HOWEVER, if you are not at the right body fat and condition, you will never see this quality, which is its main quality, do much of anything... masteron is definitely not for everyone where proviron is...
Generally, dosing wise, i always keep masteron at 800 mg week... its safe to run this high with little side effects although it is a dht which could cause hair loss and it does suppress as any other steroid but no toxicity worry or concern.. proviron is generally ran at 50 mg day safely and effectively but i have never encountered issues at 100 either... i prefer to stay on it longer so i run it 50 for an extended period of time... i honestly use proviron year round with 4 week breaks after 20 weeks on...
so that's the breakdown for you... its up to you to decide which category you fit in but if your in the right condition, then absolutely use them both..