Re: RE: Re: Masteron Vs Proviron?
Well the Deca was initially for joints, it worked so I upped the dose (pretty early too) and I admit there may be very slight water retention (if any), my arms definitely look more full but I keep my estrogen down to prevent that as much as possible. I admit I wanted to push the limit a little to see what it can do but I know its not optimal for wanting a lean dry look im going after. I may even drop it completely.DylanGemelli said:SdBronco said:After taking a few guys suggestions, this is what I'm looking at with what I already have available. Also I completely forgot about GW, Ived used it before and I love my cardio on it. But this is what I have this far
400mg test
500-600mg EQ
600mg Mast E
300mg Deca (joints)
Aromasin 37.5mg
Per week for everything for about 18-20 weeks.
150mg Test
300mg Deca per week
Goal is to gain muscle while staying lean, I want to get as lean possible 7-8% and then bulk lean, trying to stay under 10%
I figure 20 weeks would give me enough time to do this effectively with the combo of EQ and mast. If I was 195 and 8-9% by the end of my cycle I'd be very happy. I can dial in my diet really well when I want too. I've made gains on my cruise dose without gaining much fat before.
bro are you only using deca for joints and no other purpose? what is your goal from the cycle?