I am thinking about adding dbol to my stack but at a low dose. I learned my lesson by doing to much steroids and then suffering side effects and being to tired to even workout and feeling like shit. I am on 300mg of test 50mg proviron 500mg masteron and EQ 600mg (was 1500mg) 12.5mg aromasin e2d. I may drop EQ all together because I dont feel good mentally or keep it low at 300mg but I want to add in dbol at 10mg a day.
Is 10mg dbol enough? I am not in a rush for gains anymore. I am only going to start low and work my up in doses very slowly so I can gauge side effects and how I feel. And when I add in a compound it will still be the same, Small dose and very slowly go up but for dbol I want to keep it 10mg for a month. I get blood work done regularly and I saw how var got my enzymes high so I want to limit the harsh effects on my liver some what.
I like my face being lean. Would 10mg dbol keep my face lean? Diet is under control.
Is 10mg dbol enough? I am not in a rush for gains anymore. I am only going to start low and work my up in doses very slowly so I can gauge side effects and how I feel. And when I add in a compound it will still be the same, Small dose and very slowly go up but for dbol I want to keep it 10mg for a month. I get blood work done regularly and I saw how var got my enzymes high so I want to limit the harsh effects on my liver some what.
I like my face being lean. Would 10mg dbol keep my face lean? Diet is under control.