It's been over a week lifts have been slightly increasing no weight gain yet which I don't mind my body is seeming to drop body fat gain strength and add more muscle which is odd more of a recomp I will have to start adding more Cals
On the healing note my upper back pain has completely gone away
But lower back pain is back when I do bent over rows and squats and keeps me from my weight bests which is frustrating guys
But I'm sure there are no super effects of this stack yet it has only been a little over a week..
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now you are seeing a real sarms experience... sarms general kick in quickly, s4 and gw within a few days, and provide the types of things your seeing... it does take time for max healing to show but your already seeing that in your upper back which is excellent and means your a very fast responder... definitely something in your favor bro.. unfortunately, as you can see, and as i have pointed out several times, the caps are filled with who knows what but all signs indicate prohormones... that's very dangerous to sell these with prohormones mixed in as you cannot be aware and can cause huge damage... its a very dirty tactic... im thrilled you listened and got away from this..
if your having any password issues, let me know as we upgraded the forum and it required passwords to be reset..
great job so far... keep the updates coming brother!