
LGD-4033 and MK-677 log


Brand new to this forum. Thought I'd run this mass building cycle to see where it brings me. I definitely believe I can add some serious mass here. Stay tuned for updates and stats.
Very interested in your log...
Keep it up

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Brand new to this forum. Thought I'd run this mass building cycle to see where it brings me. I definitely believe I can add some serious mass here. Stay tuned for updates and stats.

excellent bro... im looking forward to it... have you considered adding rad-140 to this?
I actually have thought of adding s4, considering rad140 is considerably new. What are your thoughts?

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I actually have thought of adding s4, considering rad140 is considerably new. What are your thoughts?

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oh man bro... my favorite combination you can run is s4 and lgd... absofuckinglutely add it here... there is no better recomp combo in the sarms world than those two and topping it off with 677... very very strong... just run these three... watch what they can do bro... sarmsx has the strongest s4 you can find
I definitely think adding s4 will add insane aesthetic and strength properties along with the lgd and mk-677. I will be uploading my cycle procedure,stats, meal plan, and weekly updates soon

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I definitely think adding s4 will add insane aesthetic and strength properties along with the lgd and mk-677. I will be uploading my cycle procedure,stats, meal plan, and weekly updates soon

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your spot on with that and your going to see just how spot on you are very soon when you get this one going! im looking forward to it
Brand new to this forum. Thought I'd run this mass building cycle to see where it brings me. I definitely believe I can add some serious mass here. Stay tuned for updates and stats.


My diet consists of high protein, high carb, medium fat for around 4200 calories and will adjust calories higher as I go. Weight training will be decently heavy for 10-12 reps and I will train 6 days on 1 day off working every body part twice each week. Very excited to receive my package and begin.
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What SERM would you recommend from sarmsx for PCT

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clomid and gw in pct bro... here is the link to get it as the mini pct stack... also, make sure you run mk677 at the minimum of 6 months but ideally for a year...

here is the layout

1-12 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later

9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
mk677 25 mg day
You and me both Brother....and I still don't reach

LOLLL thats a lot of fucking food but for some its really not though... ive seen plenty of guys have a 5k average like it was no big deal... i cringe because that would just make me sicker than shit...
You and me both Brother....and I still don't reach

For me it depends on the day. I Recomp and on workout days I hit about 3500-4k a lot of times, but that's only 3 days per week. On other days I do cardio and I'm in a little deficit at around 2300
i added mk677 mid cycle on my last run and have been running it for 3 months so far and i will say i have never kept this much of my gains post cycle before and on top of that my composition is getting better than it has ever been. you are going to love it.
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