Hey guys, quick question on length of cycle.
Little background info first. This will be my 4th cycle. I've ran mk-2866, lgd, gw, and s4 on various cycles all of which were no longer than 8 weeks. Im 6'1 205. 14.5% body fat. Goal is to bulk up and gain lean mass. While trying to cut a little fat. Diet will consist of 300-500 cal surplus (2800-3000 total) around 220g protein, 90g fat, and 150-200g carbs. Splits will be:
Sunday: legs/cardio
Monday: chest/tris/cardio
Tuesday: back/bis/abs
Wednesday: legs/shoulders/cardio
Thursday: shoulders/bis/abs
Friday: rest
Saturday: active rest (light cardio/light uppers)
Cycle will be:
LGD-4033 10mg ed
GW501516 10-20mg ed
MK666 25mg ed
Fish oil, other vitamins and support sups.
My questions is with this dosage would it be more beneficial for me to run an 8 or a 12 week cycle and do my dosages look good? Also would if be safe sides wise on a 12 week cycle? Only sides I've ever had was from s4 and was the vision sides. Also I have my pct in check. Clomid at 50/25/25/25 probably run gw with that too.
Thanks for any help guys!
Little background info first. This will be my 4th cycle. I've ran mk-2866, lgd, gw, and s4 on various cycles all of which were no longer than 8 weeks. Im 6'1 205. 14.5% body fat. Goal is to bulk up and gain lean mass. While trying to cut a little fat. Diet will consist of 300-500 cal surplus (2800-3000 total) around 220g protein, 90g fat, and 150-200g carbs. Splits will be:
Sunday: legs/cardio
Monday: chest/tris/cardio
Tuesday: back/bis/abs
Wednesday: legs/shoulders/cardio
Thursday: shoulders/bis/abs
Friday: rest
Saturday: active rest (light cardio/light uppers)
Cycle will be:
LGD-4033 10mg ed
GW501516 10-20mg ed
MK666 25mg ed
Fish oil, other vitamins and support sups.
My questions is with this dosage would it be more beneficial for me to run an 8 or a 12 week cycle and do my dosages look good? Also would if be safe sides wise on a 12 week cycle? Only sides I've ever had was from s4 and was the vision sides. Also I have my pct in check. Clomid at 50/25/25/25 probably run gw with that too.
Thanks for any help guys!