MasonicBodybuilder said:
DylanGemelli said:
"RickRock" said:
"DylanGemelli" said:
"drb_iac" said:
Let me throw a little old school in here as far as pinning quads. When I was very young we had a group of goofballs...sorry group of friends who all started pinning this particular summer. The guys who had big thighs, the ones who can do squats and look like Tom Platz...those guys could pin up ad down and all around the quad. Those guys that were fast runners? The guys who could sprint like Gazell...would friggin CRY after pinning the quad. One guy...everytime he pinned his quad he must have hit a nerve because his leg would shake and flap like a wet noodle. Then he would complain for about 5 days. This is my own deduction so I can't back it up...but the slow twitch vs fast twitch muscle ratio is what either hurts or doesn't bother a bit.
he looks like super macho man from mike tyson punch out!!
Haha! That's funny and pretty accurate Dylan!
watch out for the super spin punch... that was mean!!
Soda Popinski and Hippo were pretty bad ass! Love that you refer to the best video game of all time. Hands down. Saw that on your S4 video as well Brother!
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i even have one better for you... i have NEVER forgotten the code to get to tyson
007-373-5963 LOL bro i had a custom arcade machine built last year and all the artwork is from punch out... its on the machine to play and i even have my regular ninentdo and fucking punch out still works LOL
I used to love knocking out bald bull... i loved hitting his big fucking ass in the gut on the bull charge and watching that shocked looked as he tasted canvas... LOL
i remember how hard piston honda was when i was kid... it took me so long to just beat him... lolll i can smoke the game now... mr. sandman always was the trickiest for me because his pattern is always unpredictable as is tyson's but i have them down...