I was really shocked by jp's log... to his credit he is usually honest. I will say I think if he does bloods and they come back bad, he will not post it up. He will go with it...
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i doubt they will come back bad. and to me thats not the point.
1)they are selling ugl gear and lying saying its pharma grade. its on the berd website.it is not pharma grade gear known around the world. the website wasnt made until june 2015
2) they lying to the public about this and also lying to innocent people about good labs being banned for bogus reasons, so berd can steal their business. there is no justification to lie to people about stuff they inject into their body
3)the lying about roidmass being an approved source! its approved because it carries berd pharma! either wpa owns roidmass or only accepted a brand new source because he agreed to carry his berd pharma steriods..remember when they said no new places never heard of will be accepted? well who the fuck heard of roidmass? not me
3)they lie to the mod team about the motives and reason but by now EVERY mod has to know with all the threads and posts every day on evo and ALLLL over the internet, whats going on.Nobody can be that stupid.Maybe a month ago but recently this has become so big its everywhere! if they are still there! they are batting a blind eye! very simple
so in reality everything about berd, roidmass is all lies! berd is not pharma grade gear.sources have been kicked off that were good to clear space for wpa underground steriod ring
so just about any mod that is sitting there writing good reviews and backing this scam is a complete scumbag at this point.They know what this piece of crap is doing to the public about injectables going into their body and good source that were great to alot of people
If the bloods are good, it changes nothing. its juts decent ugl gear . that doest change thats its not pharma grade gear, that doesnt change all the good sources that good screwed over and it certainly doesnt change all the poor innocent members that got lied to about stuff they injecting into their body, because this scumbag is trying to make a quick dollar. nuff said.. you simply cant go along with people doing something so evil unless you have no concious