Hello I'm on a test p and whinstrol cycle. I'm actually on day 2 . First cycle. I have questions due to all the bro science .i have already decided to start week 1 at .5mg of test p Ed. So that's a total of 350mg a week. I'll start my whinny week 2 @ .5 mg as well. Now my questions are as follows. Do you guys recommend I up the dosage of the test p. Also when should I start upping up the dosage. I have aromasin as a A.I . Since the dosage of test is pretty modestly low I was thinking e3d take 12.5mg of aromasin aka exsemestine. So I would appreciate all the advice and wisdom from all experienced personnel . I have decided Ed for test. I'm not sure if I should do Ed whinny .5 mg or should I go eod whinny when I do start week 2. Please help me decide with logic and good research based on half life and proper moderate dosage .