
Isovet reviews !? 1st cycle advice plz

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Hello I'm on a test p and whinstrol cycle. I'm actually on day 2 . First cycle. I have questions due to all the bro science .i have already decided to start week 1 at .5mg of test p Ed. So that's a total of 350mg a week. I'll start my whinny week 2 @ .5 mg as well. Now my questions are as follows. Do you guys recommend I up the dosage of the test p. Also when should I start upping up the dosage. I have aromasin as a A.I . Since the dosage of test is pretty modestly low I was thinking e3d take 12.5mg of aromasin aka exsemestine. So I would appreciate all the advice and wisdom from all experienced personnel . I have decided Ed for test. I'm not sure if I should do Ed whinny .5 mg or should I go eod whinny when I do start week 2. Please help me decide with logic and good research based on half life and proper moderate dosage .
You need to post your COMPLETE stats;

Body fat %
Years of training
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run)
PCT for each cycle
Supplements (if any)
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???)
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.)

Be honest; don't write what you think we want to hear.
.5mg winny? I don't think you're reading it right bro. Check that info and get back with us.
And you're 2 days in and already talking about upping the test?

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Hello I'm on a test p and whinstrol cycle. I'm actually on day 2 . First cycle. I have questions due to all the bro science .i have already decided to start week 1 at .5mg of test p Ed. So that's a total of 350mg a week. I'll start my whinny week 2 @ .5 mg as well. Now my questions are as follows. Do you guys recommend I up the dosage of the test p. Also when should I start upping up the dosage. I have aromasin as a A.I . Since the dosage of test is pretty modestly low I was thinking e3d take 12.5mg of aromasin aka exsemestine. So I would appreciate all the advice and wisdom from all experienced personnel . I have decided Ed for test. I'm not sure if I should do Ed whinny .5 mg or should I go eod whinny when I do start week 2. Please help me decide with logic and good research based on half life and proper moderate dosage .

Before we can help you we need to know more about you. What is your complete stats, experience, and goals?
Age 21, height 5'6, weight 151.20 lb, bf% 12%, experience about 4 years. Nutrition 5 solid meals. ( pretty solid on nutrition rii now. 1st cycle. Goal 165lb 7-10% bf . Ive had sevral set backs due to knee surgery. Reconstruction of Acl, mcl miniscus. Also i had a sprained wrist. Have held me back. I drink isopure protein only. Multivitamins , fish oils and joint support. My supplements are on point. My macros as well.
I see some issues here man. Not going to lie. 1. You're 21. You don't need gear. 2. You are small. If your food and training is on point, 20lbs should be no issue for your height. 3. You've got all those injuries and you want to do winny? You do know winny causes joint pain for most users right?

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Age 21, height 5'6, weight 151.20 lb, bf% 12%, experience about 4 years. Nutrition 5 solid meals. ( pretty solid on nutrition rii now. 1st cycle. Goal 165lb 7-10% bf . Ive had sevral set backs due to knee surgery. Reconstruction of Acl, mcl miniscus. Also i had a sprained wrist. Have held me back. I drink isopure protein only. Multivitamins , fish oils and joint support. My supplements are on point. My macros as well.
You're on the young side and too young for steroids my friend. You are also very undersized right now and need to build a better foundation.

I would recommend stopping this cycle immediately. Luckily you just started so there won't be any harm done if you quit now.

I'd recommend sarms for you at this point. They are better suited for your age, condition, and goals and don't carry the side effects and suppression that steroids do.

The best thing I'd advise for you is to run a sarms stack

get everything at

this cycle is perfect for the goals you have

1-12 RAD140 20mg per day dosed in the am
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
1-12 LGD 10mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.

Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
First i am very grateful for your insight , help and advice. From what I know and researched the top dogs in body building have been jucing from very early ages. From ages as early as 18. Some may say they had amazing genetics etc.. etc.. with that being said i feel like i waited long enough and took the advice to wait till im a older. I dont mean 2 be naive or rebelious but i have made the choice and have accepted the chances of facing all and any side effect and or consequence. Now to the whinny drying up my joints and so on , my response is i want to lean out and gain as much muscle , vascularity and strations to see my genetics at a more detailed definition. I want to get an insight of my genetic potential. I mean no disrespect at all , i plan on taking sarms for pct . The ones dylin gamelli recommended in one of his videos. 2 sarms . Including clomid and Nolvadex. I surely respect your knowledge on the matter and subject i just feel time is my enemy and being natrual for another year or so would only be foolish with my goals. Im.not worried about women or gfs or any of that. I already have a daughter. I can always adopt. Im sure this is what the saying 'No pain no gain ' refers 2. Pinning , ed, painful joints etc..
Your genetics potential? You're 150lbs. Gear is to push you PAST your genetic potential, not get you there. Age aside, your "potential" is probably 30-40lbs natural. And clearly the "no pain no gain" has worked for you. Seeing all those injuries that set you back. Where have the gains been there? In a hole. That's where.
Maybe you should reasses your diet as well. I thought I was eating right. I took the time to fix my diet and within 6 months I put on 23 LEAN pounds. Not a single % more body fat because I just wasn't eating right.
Not to be a dick in this post. I honestly could care less if you have kids. That's not a concern of mine. And as I said age just hurts you in the long run. Your choice is your choice. I'm just showing you how your personal reasonings are more like excuses to sprint in this marathon lifestyle we live.
You cannot compare you or I to the top dogs. They are the elite of the elite. They are the 1/10% of the 1% of people that "bodybuild".

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Ill use the same words. I can care less about what youve said. I asked for help on dosage in regard 2 aromasin test p and whinny but i got a whole different response. I wanted 2 stick 2 the topic but got side tracked by people who in my opinion and logic want 2 sell me sarms instead of answering my questions about what has been finalized and decided.
Ill use the same words. I can care less about what youve said. I asked for help on dosage in regard 2 aromasin test p and whinny but i got a whole different response. I wanted 2 stick 2 the topic but got side tracked by people who in my opinion and logic want 2 sell me sarms instead of answering my questions about what has been finalized and decided.
I'm sorry brother but it is against our forum policy to condone steroid use for anyone your age or in your condition. Therefore I can't advise you on that.

It seems all the young guys want to bring up how the pros started juicing early. Well time for a wake up call....those guys aren't exactly role models when it comes to doing thing the right way, being safe, and being healthy....and that's what we are about here

You won't be getting help from anyone on this buddy. I hope you will take the advice given and make smart choices, but unfortunately it sounds like you've made up your mind

Good luck

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Ill use the same words. I can care less about what youve said. I asked for help on dosage in regard 2 aromasin test p and whinny but i got a whole different response. I wanted 2 stick 2 the topic but got side tracked by people who in my opinion and logic want 2 sell me sarms instead of answering my questions about what has been finalized and decided.

Doesn't work like that here.
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