
Intolerable and Foul practices from the Evolutionary Forum

DylanGemelli said:
LAfit said:
It seems like every day someone posts a thread about a deleted thread, then that thread gets deleted lol. It's a shit show

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Bro, literally none of the posts can be taken with any sort of validity whatsoever... I was supposed to be an admin and my shit was even edited AND some of the time, I found that I had posts I never fucking made... Now explain that... I didn't grow fucking hands on different people did I?

I can confirm this myself as well. I remember posts of my own being edited to reflect a different position than the administrator agreed with. One in particular I remember was me saying that raspberry ketones are basically worthless for fat loss. I later learned it was one of the ingredients in an N2bm product and my post was altered to reflect how effective they were. This was extremely unsettling to me.
This place on its death bed could never be as bad as the administration on SG. Or the pathetic bullshit.
Re: RE: Re: Intolerable and Foul practices from the Evolutionary Forum

JM750 said:
This place on its death bed could never be as bad as the administration on SG. Or the pathetic bullshit.
Gotta let that hate go bud. Dont let them win by continuing to dwell on it. SG is a sadder place without u in it. Just always remember that.
RickRock said:
DylanGemelli said:
LAfit said:
It seems like every day someone posts a thread about a deleted thread, then that thread gets deleted lol. It's a shit show

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Bro, literally none of the posts can be taken with any sort of validity whatsoever... I was supposed to be an admin and my shit was even edited AND some of the time, I found that I had posts I never fucking made... Now explain that... I didn't grow fucking hands on different people did I?

I can confirm this myself as well. I remember posts of my own being edited to reflect a different position than the administrator agreed with. One in particular I remember was me saying that raspberry ketones are basically worthless for fat loss. I later learned it was one of the ingredients in an N2bm product and my post was altered to reflect how effective they were. This was extremely unsettling to me.

That is just the start... what I cannot ever understand is how can you tell people they are admins and mods and not only give them no power whatsoever and expect the world from them and then edit and change their posts or better yet, sign into their accounts and post as them on their behalf when they are not even the real OP... As bad as the things that have been listed, and not to act like I am the main victim here because WE ALL ARE, when someone has the audacity to log in as you, and have the lowest class, scum of the earth mentality to say that you were gone because you were dealing with your fathers death and handling the "estate" THREE WEEKS after everything was already done and dealt with, to use that situation as an excuse or to even have the AUDACITY to put his name into anything ESPECIALLY knowing how devastating this was to me is beyond low, its evil... I will never forget that... I was raised a certain way and I am extremely spiritual so I was taught to forgive, regardless of the misdeed but never to forget... I won't EVER forget that... I am truly ashamed of myself for ever associating with such trash and falling victim to the brain washing and manipulation... To know I was ever a part of that makes me sick and it's no wonder I had so many sleepless nights because I felt like something I was doing was wrong... My heart was always in the right place, I always wanted to help and guide but I was part of a misleading organization that instilled it's beliefs into good people and took advantage of them with promises and brain washing methods that are so unethical and scum like... I am relentless now to make up for my misdeeds and to show that is NOT who I am and NOT what I ever will be. I am sorry for the wrongs I made and I have no problem or issue whatsoever admitting I was completely wrong... I know I was and all I ask is for the chance to show that is not me and to show who I truly am... I really feel like you all know who I am or you would not be here... Whether hesitant or not, I think you all see it and I will stop at nothing to not only make up for the past and lost time but to never stop giving back, teaching, guiding and helping to make the proper decisions on everything from safety to sources, no scammers, not misleading or misguidance, nothing but the best... That is who I am and that is why I am here giving the best forum possible with the best people and the right knowledge for everyone... Thank you all who always believed in me and are here with the same vision as I have... You all are what makes this thing go and stay alive... We all have a voice and a talent that we must share with everyone!
It was no different at SG. Admins and mods had absolutely no power. And if an admin or mod made a decision. The owner would go reverse the decision right in front of the members Or even worse like what happened to me Made me make me make a public apology after a decision i had to make in a very stressful almost war that broke out. Because a mod that was a huge troublemaker unlocked a thread that i had locked. In an effort to keep that war amongst members going. What mod gets to unlock a thread that an admin locked???
Thats pathetic. And what was even more pathetic was how the owner handled it. What a joke.
My take on this is this...Every forum needs to make money to survive. One way or another. Its how they go about it...Push your product all you want. BUT dont give false info to the members that cause them to loose hard earned money..Dont make claims that you know damn well are not true...We need trust on the boards more then anything because the nature of this..If you cannot trust your MODS or Admin, why be on the board...I stayed as long as I did over there because I met some great people...Im not a friendly person really, I dont make internet friends, but I did there...I was so let down when shit was happening..I really was....Also Dont change peoples reviews if they are honest with no motive. Im glad to see those in charge are taking responsibility and making a promise to us members...Lets see this followed thru...
My take on this is this...Every forum needs to make money to survive. One way or another. Its how they go about it...Push your product all you want. BUT dont give false info to the members that cause them to loose hard earned money..Dont make claims that you know damn well are not true...We need trust on the boards more then anything because the nature of this..If you cannot trust your MODS or Admin, why be on the board...I stayed as long as I did over there because I met some great people...Im not a friendly person really, I dont make internet friends, but I did there...I was so let down when shit was happening..I really was....Also Dont change peoples reviews if they are honest with no motive. Im glad to see those in charge are taking responsibility and making a promise to us members...Lets see this followed thru...

Yep that's exactly what we are all about.. Not just anyone can be a sponsor here man ALL these dudes we have tested personally and are LEGIT as fuck, and we have an amazing staff who works together and who actually give a shit about helping others.. Perhaps it will take a little bit of time but this forum revolves are professionalism and integrity
RickRock said:
It seems like every day someone posts a thread about a deleted thread, then that thread gets deleted lol. It's a shit show

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Bro, literally none of the posts can be taken with any sort of validity whatsoever... I was supposed to be an admin and my shit was even edited AND some of the time, I found that I had posts I never fucking made... Now explain that... I didn't grow fucking hands on different people did I?[/quote]

I can confirm this myself as well. I remember posts of my own being edited to reflect a different position than the administrator agreed with. One in particular I remember was me saying that raspberry ketones are basically worthless for fat loss. I later learned it was one of the ingredients in an N2bm product and my post was altered to reflect how effective they were. This was extremely unsettling to me.[/quote]
I'm sure my post on that thread was changed as well then because I said the same thing.

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DylanGemelli said:
It seems like every day someone posts a thread about a deleted thread, then that thread gets deleted lol. It's a shit show

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Bro, literally none of the posts can be taken with any sort of validity whatsoever... I was supposed to be an admin and my shit was even edited AND some of the time, I found that I had posts I never fucking made... Now explain that... I didn't grow fucking hands on different people did I?[/quote]
I noticed this too!! Thought I was tripping!

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I know we get the best strains but even those could not cause confusion on this bro! :lol:[/quote]
Lol! Good to know because that's what I blamed it on lmao [SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND TIGHTLY-CLOSED EYES]

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KingWizard said:
My take on this is this...Every forum needs to make money to survive. One way or another. Its how they go about it...Push your product all you want. BUT dont give false info to the members that cause them to loose hard earned money..Dont make claims that you know damn well are not true...We need trust on the boards more then anything because the nature of this..If you cannot trust your MODS or Admin, why be on the board...I stayed as long as I did over there because I met some great people...Im not a friendly person really, I dont make internet friends, but I did there...I was so let down when shit was happening..I really was....Also Dont change peoples reviews if they are honest with no motive. Im glad to see those in charge are taking responsibility and making a promise to us members...Lets see this followed thru...[/quote

Yep that's exactly what we are all about.. Not just anyone can be a sponsor here man ALL these dudes we have tested personally and are LEGIT as fuck, and we have an amazing staff who works together and who actually give a shit about helping others.. Perhaps it will take a little bit of time but this forum revolves are professionalism and integrity

Having a staff that works together is key. I know this for a fact. Having one person dictating everything is going to fail. You will have revolving staff. Build a staff that works together and actually makes decisions as a team and you will have a home run.
JM750 said:
KingWizard said:
My take on this is this...Every forum needs to make money to survive. One way or another. Its how they go about it...Push your product all you want. BUT dont give false info to the members that cause them to loose hard earned money..Dont make claims that you know damn well are not true...We need trust on the boards more then anything because the nature of this..If you cannot trust your MODS or Admin, why be on the board...I stayed as long as I did over there because I met some great people...Im not a friendly person really, I dont make internet friends, but I did there...I was so let down when shit was happening..I really was....Also Dont change peoples reviews if they are honest with no motive. Im glad to see those in charge are taking responsibility and making a promise to us members...Lets see this followed thru...[/quote

Yep that's exactly what we are all about.. Not just anyone can be a sponsor here man ALL these dudes we have tested personally and are LEGIT as fuck, and we have an amazing staff who works together and who actually give a shit about helping others.. Perhaps it will take a little bit of time but this forum revolves are professionalism and integrity

Having a staff that works together is key. I know this for a fact. Having one person dictating everything is going to fail. You will have revolving staff. Build a staff that works together and actually makes decisions as a team and you will have a home run.

Read my post at 11:00 a.m. and that will tell you about this staff!! :D
I just received a message from that bitch gearhead that said if I want to come back to evo I would have to issue a public apology and say I lied about them changing members reviews. Lol. This guy should get into standup comedy.
scurry30 said:
I just received a message from that bitch gearhead that said if I want to come back to evo I would have to issue a public apology and say I lied about them changing members reviews. Lol. This guy should get into standup comedy.
Lmfao what a joke! You should say ok, then blast them again haha

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scurry30 said:
I just received a message from that bitch gearhead that said if I want to come back to evo I would have to issue a public apology and say I lied about them changing members reviews. Lol. This guy should get into standup comedy.

That is comedy and yet it's how sad that it is there... I know that is true and it's just so far past absurd... You are supposed to apologize for being honest? LMFAO... I am sure you are just ready to beg and apologize to get back there right?? LOLLLL You are always welcome here bro and we WANT people that tell the truth and our honest about what they say and do...
scurry30 said:
I just received a message from that bitch gearhead that said if I want to come back to evo I would have to issue a public apology and say I lied about them changing members reviews. Lol. This guy should get into standup comedy.

Is that after "time out" time is over ? Because right before that I think it's nap time
Oh there's zero chance they'll ever let me back on that board. Not that I want back on anyway. I'm still blasting his ass from purgatory lol. Gear head started a thread about while back calling a friend of mine a scammer. Some of you will remember this. Me and another member were defending this lab and basically told we would be labeled as reps of this lab and banned for being scammers as well. I brought this up yesterday from purgatory about him labeling somebody a scammer with absolutely zero evidence or proof of any wrong doings. His reply was that he was only looking out for members and that I said it's OK to scam members of evo. WTF!!?? I have screenshots of the conversation too if it ever needs to be posted.
scurry30 said:
Oh there's zero chance they'll ever let me back on that board. Not that I want back on anyway. I'm still blasting his ass from purgatory lol. Gear head started a thread about while back calling a friend of mine a scammer. Some of you will remember this. Me and another member were defending this lab and basically told we would be labeled as reps of this lab and banned for being scammers as well. I brought this up yesterday from purgatory about him labeling somebody a scammer with absolutely zero evidence or proof of any wrong doings. His reply was that he was only looking out for members and that I said it's OK to scam members of evo. WTF!!?? I have screenshots of the conversation too if it ever needs to be posted.

Bro, that's because you were not bringing them in money or taking away from someone or something that was... If you are not a big benefit to them in some way or another then you won't be there long... Its sick... Its low class and its the behavior of greed and selflessness and that is the complete opposite of what it should be and who I am and that is why I want no affiliation with them every again and will never have it... You are in the right place now bro, I assure you that!
Ahhhh yes good ol EVO. All things in this thread are completely true about EVO and that doesn't even scratch the surface. It has basically been going on since the site started. They were a little more subtle in the beginning. Now it is just a clown show over there and basically all the members are complete newbs, people on the payroll, or alters of people on the payroll.

Good times
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