
Intolerable and Foul practices from the Evolutionary Forum

scurry30 said:
I've apparently been given a time out on evo. Lol. I made a thread about reviews being changed and posts getting deleted. I'm assuming the punk bitch or bitches that's behind the deceitful acts didn't like what I had to say. Lol. It wasn't a surprise tho because I started the thread with.... I'll probably get banned for this.

Who the fuck gives out a "timeout" to a grown man? Things like that just made me sick to my stomach... Along with just shaking my head wondering what the fuck I was doing there... I think your assumption could be right bro... Or maybe its not an assumption at all... I believe everything you said is spot on... Or maybe its an assumption from us both.. I am going to have to go with FACT...

One thing I can say with a million percent certainty... NONE OF THAT SHIT IS GOING ON HERE... You are not going to hit a "timeout" or treated like a fucking pre school child learning how to tie their shoes for the first time... What the fuck is a timeout?!? That has dictator written all over it... Absolutely absurd... When you give a review here, unless its blatant lies, will always not only stay as it was originally written, but it will be appreciated! The reviews section is there for fucking reviews, not for lies and deceit... If you have a review, all that is doing is helping everyone... Accuracy, integrity and truth are WANTED here... That's a GOOD THING here and should be everywhere else as where... I am not sure where these desirable qualities were lost in the shuffle anywhere but they should be addressed as what they truly are, which are assets not hidden and edited... what exactly is the point of a dishonest review? How can that even be termed "review?" They are something else...

Your reviews, feedback, beliefs and thoughts are WANTED AND ENCOURAGED HERE... That's what these places SHOULD be all about but along the way in many other places this concept was lost, the concept of credibility as well as ethics... BOTH are not only practiced here but they standard and expectation set forth! Just always know that not only are you always welcome here but you are wanted and appreciated... This community is a family and accepting of everyone who wants to learn, provide and have fun man... This is supposed to be a breath of fresh air, not a place where you walk on egg shells and wonder if you just say how you feel that you will get penalized for it... What the fuck is the point if you can't be you?? Why do you have to be a puppet? That's not how it is or ever should be... It should be you give like this everywhere... You give respect and you get it in return as well... We all learn from each other and we help, teach and encourage everyone... These qualities are what Adrenaline Rush is all about and will continue to provide to everyone!
Wetworks said:
I'm glad this was put up and Admin as made it loud and clear that this board will be nothing like Evo!

I can't lie at first coming here I was a bit nervous....some familiar faces of the old admin on Evo, but I've always been a believer in allowing people to redeem themselves. So everyone has a clean slate in my eyes and I hope they can follow what they preach.

I'm sure a lot of people do not know this, but a lot of the old veterans from Evolutionary banned together and made a new site after the situation at Evolutionary was getting ridiculous with banning anyone that said anything negative about sarms1, n2bm products, or just anything the admins didn't like. The product pushing was just getting out of control.

A board with no bullshit, straight truth, helping out our brothers and sisters so no one ends up hurting themselves, and good sources is what the internet bb community needs!

With the "Promise" that was just posted by the Admin here. I foresee only positive direction from AR. I hope we can stay true to that.

I can understand and appreciate everything you just said... I am the first one to admit I made plenty of errors in judgement before however I caught it before it got completely out of hand and I saw between EVERY line... I had a voice and one that was able to reach many and I was not about to let that be violated or abused as it was starting to be... Not a fucking chance... I want to do what I was put here to do and that is save lives... To teach people how to do things the right way while extending and improving their lives... I want to guide people in the right directions, to places that of business that practice ethics and put their customers first, to make sure EVERYONE gets to give their thoughts, experiences and opinions and to be ME, not someones puppet or fucking robot... No way... That's not who I AM and that's not who anyone should ever be... I have put every ounce of myself into this amazing place to help the others with the same visions I have provide a community for everyone to call a home and to feel like family and belonging... That's how it should be and that's how it is going to be now and forever... I will stop at nothing to grow this into the biggest family on the internet that teaches the right way, guides and leads others, while still staying humble along the way knowing I can learn from everyone here each and every day and to help everyone actually get what they need and pay for when they use products of need and want... Adrenaline Rush is the new standard that cannot be compared to and will be a home to everyone...
[attachment=0:17jthgh1]Screenshot_2015-05-07-08-32-25.png[/attachment:17jthgh1] the little threat at the bottom is what really pisses me off. They will post my location on an open forum?? Really? WTF??


  • Screenshot_2015-05-07-08-32-25.png
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No one puts Baby in the corner!

That's pretty fucking sad, threatening IP info. Looks like I wont be back over there (not that I was there much)
I'm not gonna keep going on about evo but I wanted to update my time out post[attachment=0]Screenshot_2015-05-07-10-56-51.png[/attachment


  • Screenshot_2015-05-07-10-56-51.png
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Haha I got one of those too , fuck that place they are gonna collapse pretty soon anyways
scurry30 said:
[attachment=0:342urz9k]Screenshot_2015-05-07-08-32-25.png[/attachment:342urz9k] the little threat at the bottom is what really pisses me off. They will post my location on an open forum?? Really? WTF??

Un fucking real... Really? Open faced threats so your exact location can be found for what exactly? For making another screen name? So what happens is you "call someone a name?" Immediate beheading? Communism on an open forum? WOW okay...
scurry30 said:
I'm not gonna keep going on about evo but I wanted to update my time out post[attachment=0]Screenshot_2015-05-07-10-56-51.png[/attachment

Still trying to make out the reason... Oh wait... There isnt one because giving an honest review is frowned upon these days... Integrity is an act of rebellion...
Re: RE: Re: Intolerable and Foul practices from the Evolutionary Forum

KingWizard said:
Wow you weren't kidding about the "time out" that's pathetic

Almost as pathetic as the SITE ADMIN going on your username and reading all your PMs and changing your account information like they did do me , It's been almost 2 weeks now and MikeSnow is still logged in on EVO like what the fuck could you still want from my account scumbag
That's absolutely crazy man, but not surprising considering. I'm glad to be away from it. That place had way too much shady shit going on, and I don't want my name associated with any of it. I've spent years building my reputation, and I don't want to be near that kind of activity. That's why I'm so happy to be here and finally able to be a part of an awesome community that cares about one another and helps one another.
Re: RE: Re: Intolerable and Foul practices from the Evolutionary Forum

RickRock said:
KingWizard said:
Wow you weren't kidding about the "time out" that's pathetic

Almost as pathetic as the SITE ADMIN going on your username and reading all your PMs and changing your account information like they did do me , It's been almost 2 weeks now and MikeSnow is still logged in on EVO like what the fuck could you still want from my account scumbag
That's absolutely crazy man, but not surprising considering. I'm glad to be away from it. That place had way too much shady shit going on, and I don't want my name associated with any of it. I've spent years building my reputation, and I don't want to be near that kind of activity. That's why I'm so happy to be here and finally able to be a part of an awesome community that cares about one another and helps one another.

That's exactly how I feel... We were sucked into all that bull shit and forced to be everything we weren't... Isn't it literally the most refreshing thing in the world to be out from under that bull shit? I was just saying that I was not sure if i had ever felt as good as I do now... Now we can be we really are.. Let's do this bro!
Re: RE: Re: Intolerable and Foul practices from the Evolutionary Forum

DylanGemelli said:
RickRock said:
KingWizard said:
Wow you weren't kidding about the "time out" that's pathetic

Almost as pathetic as the SITE ADMIN going on your username and reading all your PMs and changing your account information like they did do me , It's been almost 2 weeks now and MikeSnow is still logged in on EVO like what the fuck could you still want from my account scumbag
That's absolutely crazy man, but not surprising considering. I'm glad to be away from it. That place had way too much shady shit going on, and I don't want my name associated with any of it. I've spent years building my reputation, and I don't want to be near that kind of activity. That's why I'm so happy to be here and finally able to be a part of an awesome community that cares about one another and helps one another.

That's exactly how I feel... We were sucked into all that bull shit and forced to be everything we weren't... Isn't it literally the most refreshing thing in the world to be out from under that bull shit? I was just saying that I was not sure if i had ever felt as good as I do now... Now we can be we really are.. Let's do this bro!

I think we are all glad that place is behind us. It is liberating and rewarding to be at such a better place with and awesome atmosphere. No smoke and mirrors here!
I'm not big on the past.. that's why your rear-view mirror is smaller then your windshield. Looking at the future, AR seems to be very promising.
Being a former Admin over at synthetic genetics (geno's place) A forum take off of EVO as well, I heard many stories about evo. Like LE was running the place and BRR was working for the Feds and all kinds of bullshit I was fed to believe.
That place has this bullshit phony Charter promise that was one thing that caught my attention when I first joined there. They promised to not be like any of the other forums. A fresh new place that members could come to without any of the regular B/S that goes on at other sites!

WOW, would you believe that SG is totally the opposite of what they preach. In fact, It was the worst forum that I have ever been on since I have been in this game.
The charter promise is broken by the owner on a daily basis. They hold votes on certain issues, Admin and or mods vote, and in the end, Geno does what he wants anyway and the vote never got used. How is this any better then other forums?
So I really hop that this place really is different then all the others because the last one was a major let down!
Vulcan said:
No one puts Baby in the corner!

That's pretty fucking sad, threatening IP info. Looks like I wont be back over there (not that I was there much)

LMFAO... That, my friend, was just what I needed... Thank you for that and your last statement really nailed it all... That is such a cowardly act (which comes as no surprise considering the source of it) that only a coward would do (once again, not a surprise). I love the abuse of power from behind a keyboard... Anyone that wants to stay subject to a "concentration camp" like environment needs our help to open their eyes and understand that should not and will not be tolerated...
JM750 said:
Being a former Admin over at synthetic genetics (geno's place) A forum take off of EVO as well, I heard many stories about evo. Like LE was running the place and BRR was working for the Feds and all kinds of bullshit I was fed to believe.
That place has this bullshit phony Charter promise that was one thing that caught my attention when I first joined there. They promised to not be like any of the other forums. A fresh new place that members could come to without any of the regular B/S that goes on at other sites!

WOW, would you believe that SG is totally the opposite of what they preach. In fact, It was the worst forum that I have ever been on since I have been in this game.
The charter promise is broken by the owner on a daily basis. They hold votes on certain issues, Admin and or mods vote, and in the end, Geno does what he wants anyway and the vote never got used. How is this any better then other forums?
So I really hop that this place really is different then all the others because the last one was a major let down!

My promise to you and everyone in this family is those days are over once and for all... That, my friend, is not only a promise, but a GUARAN FUCKING TEE!
It all starts at the top man.. If the admin and staff are scum and dont give a fuck then that reflects the forum outcome... However that will not be the case here. Shit most of us have known one another a long ass time through other boards, have worked together previously, and communicate personally. Great staff and leadership here and it will reflect

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KingWizard said:
It all starts at the top man.. If the admin and staff are scum and dont give a fuck then that reflects the forum outcome... However that will not be the case here. Shit most of us have known one another a long ass time through other boards, have worked together previously, and communicate personally. Great staff and leadership here and it will reflect

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I totally agree. It def starts at the top. Dont make promises that you are not going to keep. Eventually, the smart members will see all thru the bullshit. Those guys over there had me and a lot of others thinking DG is a scumbag. And for a while. Ill admit that i fell prey to that bs. But having worked directly underneath the owner of that site, i now kno what a true 2 faced scumbag is. And there is no way in hell dylan that you could ever come close to how he perfected his craft. He would actually make a great politician.
And it is my duty to warn others about these kind of practices so that others wont fall prey to it.
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