
I'm the new guy. I need help!


New member
Hey guys, really looking for advice. I'm 6'6" tall and 39 yrs old. I've made stupid decisions in the past that lead to gyno and surgery to fix. Consider I know nothing of sarms, how they work, dosing or cycles....what would you recommend for me to gain some muscle and no fat. Not looking to get huge at my age just want to stay in shape. I've been boxing for a couple yrs but want to get back into lifting. I recently was in ketosis for 5 weeks and went from 245 lbs 20% body fat down to 221lbs 13% body fat. My goal is 10% body fat but more muscle. Please help me out! I'm really nervous and apprehensive about anything that's not 100% natural. I'd really appreciate any input. Not even sure if I'm posting right.
Itll be kinda hard to gain muscle and no fat. Your body still needs fat. Whats your nutrition plan? Theres a thread on here called diet and nutrition 101 that will probably help a great deal. Ultimately bub sounds like a good nutrition plan and solid workout regimine will help you greatly especially being 6'6" and 221 lbs.
I have a local gym owner that's making me up a plan but my metabolism has always been fast. At 25 I was only 169 lbs. if I'm going to gain any muscle at 39 I'm gonna need a little extra help.
Itll be kinda hard to gain muscle and no fat. Your body still needs fat. Whats your nutrition plan? Theres a thread on here called diet and nutrition 101 that will probably help a great deal. Ultimately bub sounds like a good nutrition plan and solid workout regimine will help you greatly especially being 6'6" and 221 lbs.

I'm not worried about a little fat just will keep it clean.
Right on. Im not in much position to give you any more advice besides ramping up your diet and exercise based on the info given. Havent ever taken a cycle and Im still learning about this stuff. They'll give you answers soon enough Im sure lol. Whatever advice these guys give you, It would be in your best interest to listen.
Keto is great for fat loss...nice job on the drop in body fat BTW.

You don't need "help" to gain. Incorporating carbs and increasing your protein from the typical 35% on keto can do wonders.

Now SARMS couldn't hurt either...
Hey guys, really looking for advice. I'm 6'6" tall and 39 yrs old. I've made stupid decisions in the past that lead to gyno and surgery to fix. Consider I know nothing of sarms, how they work, dosing or cycles....what would you recommend for me to gain some muscle and no fat. Not looking to get huge at my age just want to stay in shape. I've been boxing for a couple yrs but want to get back into lifting. I recently was in ketosis for 5 weeks and went from 245 lbs 20% body fat down to 221lbs 13% body fat. My goal is 10% body fat but more muscle. Please help me out! I'm really nervous and apprehensive about anything that's not 100% natural. I'd really appreciate any input. Not even sure if I'm posting right.

It sounds to me like you are looking to Recomp. I have the perfct sarms stack for you for those goals bud. This is the layout for it. Get everything you need from

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
It sounds to me like you are looking to Recomp. I have the perfct sarms stack for you for those goals bud. This is the layout for it. Get everything you need from

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Thanks guys, I really appreciate all the input! RickRock the pct is a 4 week run and the cycle a 12 week run, right? Just making sure I do things by the book. Just out of curiosity any recommendations on supplements? Remember I'm 39 almost 40. I take Isopure Isolate protein, a preworkout drink, and creatine sometimes.
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I leave the country in about 5 weeks. I'll be gone for 2 weeks. One of those weeks for sure I will not be able to workout at all. What would you guys recommend on timing of the sarms RickRock suggested? Should I wait to start anything till I'm back or should I cycle for 4 weeks the do 2 weeks of pct the cycle 8 weeks with a final of 4 weeks pct? This is friggin German to me. Lol
Updated info

It sounds to me like you are looking to Recomp. I have the perfct sarms stack for you for those goals bud. This is the layout for it. Get everything you need from

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Hey RickRock and Dylan, I'm going Monday to have a full male blood panel done( it's been 8 yrs since my last but I've been clean) and the results should be in about 10 business days. When I get them I'll post the results, my macro daily count and intake, my workout schedule, personal goals and stats(age,height, etc). With this info would be willing to layout a more defined sarms protocol along with supplement suggestions for me? I lost a lot of body fat in ketosis but I did lose muscle too and I want to recomp that with as little fat as possible. At 6'6" I need more mass to fill out my long friggin limbs. I will also be doing mid and post cycle bloods and will post them as well. I really appreciate the help if you have the time. Thanks
Hey RickRock and Dylan, I'm going Monday to have a full male blood panel done( it's been 8 yrs since my last but I've been clean) and the results should be in about 10 business days. When I get them I'll post the results, my macro daily count and intake, my workout schedule, personal goals and stats(age,height, etc). With this info would be willing to layout a more defined sarms protocol along with supplement suggestions for me? I lost a lot of body fat in ketosis but I did lose muscle too and I want to recomp that with as little fat as possible. At 6'6" I need more mass to fill out my long friggin limbs. I will also be doing mid and post cycle bloods and will post them as well. I really appreciate the help if you have the time. Thanks
come on bro, of course i will help you! thats ridiculous to even ask... but i appreciate you being so polite and courteous but absolutely i will help you... just let me know when you get your blood work and i will handle the rest

Hey RickRock and Dylan, I'm going Monday to have a full male blood panel done( it's been 8 yrs since my last but I've been clean) and the results should be in about 10 business days. When I get them I'll post the results, my macro daily count and intake, my workout schedule, personal goals and stats(age,height, etc). With this info would be willing to layout a more defined sarms protocol along with supplement suggestions for me? I lost a lot of body fat in ketosis but I did lose muscle too and I want to recomp that with as little fat as possible. At 6'6" I need more mass to fill out my long friggin limbs. I will also be doing mid and post cycle bloods and will post them as well. I really appreciate the help if you have the time. Thanks

10 business days for results?
10 business days for results?

I called the lab and they said it probably would be quicker but that's what they had to tell me. I didn't order a simple hormone test but full work up with lipid profile and cardiac test also. Haven't been tested in 8 yrs, figured I needed something comprehensive
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I called the lab and they said it probably would be quicker but that's what they had to tell me. I didn't order a simple hormone test but full work up with lipid profile and cardiac test also. Haven't been tested in 8 yrs, figured I needed something comprehensive
yes, definitely get as comprehensive as you can get....
yes, definitely get as comprehensive as you can get....

Ok guys I have my blood work and I'm giving you my stats and goals.

Blood work:

Test total 424 (348-1197)
Free test 11.87 (5.00-21.00)
Insulin like growth factor I 203 (83-233)
Estriadol 14.9 (8.00-35.00)
Cholesterol is total 130
LDL, HDL and Triglycerides are perfect
Thyroid is absolutely perfect

Gain muscle
Lose fat. Lol

50/35/15 protein/carbs/fats
Breakfast; 10 egg whites, 2 cups oats, 1 banana, 2 tbs peanut butter powder
Lunch; lean meat 8oz, brócoli or asparagus, sweet potato or brown rice, 1 tbl coco oil.
Dinner; same as lunch
Between lunch and dinner; 25 gram protein shake
Before bed; casein protein shake
2500 cal daily till I reach body fat goal then 3100 to maintain

Currently I'm losing about 2lbs per week

Male, 6'6"' 218, 12% bf, 39 yrs
Goal is 10% or better
Joints stay sore. Moms owns the largest health store in our city so yes I'm already on everything natural for my joints.
I lift 5 x's weekly in the a.m on a fasted stomach.
I also box for 30 min. 3x's ea week in the afternoons

I need a sarms cycle for recomp and something to help with my joints if possible. A great, I mean great pct cycle.
Did stupid crap in my early 20's with roids and ended up having gyno surgery a while back because of it. This time I want to do it right. I will do bloods mid way and at the end of my run. If I'm missing something then tell me. Thanks guys.
Ok guys I have my blood work and I'm giving you my stats and goals.

Blood work:

Test total 424 (348-1197)
Free test 11.87 (5.00-21.00)
Insulin like growth factor I 203 (83-233)
Estriadol 14.9 (8.00-35.00)
Cholesterol is total 130
LDL, HDL and Triglycerides are perfect
Thyroid is absolutely perfect

Gain muscle
Lose fat. Lol

50/35/15 protein/carbs/fats
Breakfast; 10 egg whites, 2 cups oats, 1 banana, 2 tbs peanut butter powder
Lunch; lean meat 8oz, brócoli or asparagus, sweet potato or brown rice, 1 tbl coco oil.
Dinner; same as lunch
Between lunch and dinner; 25 gram protein shake
Before bed; casein protein shake
2500 cal daily till I reach body fat goal then 3100 to maintain

Currently I'm losing about 2lbs per week

Male, 6'6"' 218, 12% bf, 39 yrs
Goal is 10% or better
Joints stay sore. Moms owns the largest health store in our city so yes I'm already on everything natural for my joints.
I lift 5 x's weekly in the a.m on a fasted stomach.
I also box for 30 min. 3x's ea week in the afternoons

I need a sarms cycle for recomp and something to help with my joints if possible. A great, I mean great pct cycle.
Did stupid crap in my early 20's with roids and ended up having gyno surgery a while back because of it. This time I want to do it right. I will do bloods mid way and at the end of my run. If I'm missing something then tell me. Thanks guys.
alright brother... you dont need a full pct with sarms but im going to give you one since you asked for a more full pct... here are the links to purchase everything you need followed by the layout...

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk2866 25 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 tongkat ali

pct 13-16

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
alright brother... you dont need a full pct with sarms but im going to give you one since you asked for a more full pct... here are the links to purchase everything you need followed by the layout...

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk2866 25 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 tongkat ali

pct 13-16

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day

How much tongkat Ali daily?
By the way thanks a million!
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