
How will the body feel


Hi to All

Im heading home to Scotland for Xmas from Australia right when i start my first PCT...

My question is how will the body feel during this stage of the cycle, going to be starting the Enhanced Super Stack when i have all my Sarmsx delivered.
Do you feel withdrawn etc as i dont want my holidays ruined due to feeling crap.I have read the forum looking for an answer but nothing that describes how a person feels...i appreciate that everyone is different but some feed back would be great.
Hi to All

Im heading home to Scotland for Xmas from Australia right when i start my first PCT...

My question is how will the body feel during this stage of the cycle, going to be starting the Enhanced Super Stack when i have all my Sarmsx delivered.
Do you feel withdrawn etc as i dont want my holidays ruined due to feeling crap.I have read the forum looking for an answer but nothing that describes how a person feels...i appreciate that everyone is different but some feed back would be great.

Before I started cruising coming off cycle was always a matter of feeling paranoid about being smaller, losing strength and the likes. There's no reason for concern, you might feel some lethargy initially, but I doubt your mood will be affected much if you're a level headed individual who can recognize it's all in your head bro. SARMs will be a nice bridge for you and just remember to stay positive and not let the post cycle imagination run wild. We all wanna stay on cycle, but can't so it's natural to feel a tad down due to that fact alone.
Depending on how suppressed you are you may experience lethargy as 44 said, and also a drop in sex drive. I'm currently starting my 3rd week of PCT and lethargy is not as bad now (week 2 was the worst), but I still feel like an a-sexual being, lol. As my friend says, "it's good to get your brain back" :)
Alot of it is mental, i mean you are going from being Superman back to Clark Kent. Gotta keep a strong mind and stay focused, just remember it was you and your hard work that got you there not just the compounds. That goes for AAS as well
Hi to All

Im heading home to Scotland for Xmas from Australia right when i start my first PCT...

My question is how will the body feel during this stage of the cycle, going to be starting the Enhanced Super Stack when i have all my Sarmsx delivered.
Do you feel withdrawn etc as i dont want my holidays ruined due to feeling crap.I have read the forum looking for an answer but nothing that describes how a person feels...i appreciate that everyone is different but some feed back would be great.

Sarms are not like steroids. You don't get the complete shutdown that happens with AAS cycles. Because of this recovery is ,icy easier and people don't typically get the feeling like crap, lethargy, depression, etc....

Of course the other important thing is making sure you run the proper pct as well
It is 110% mental. I know this sounds strange, but you have to try and convince yourself as though you are still on cycle. Throw in some ostarine and gw in your pct for a little boost. Where the mind goes, the body will follow my friend.

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My first pct I noticed no change except a slight drop in strength. Later after I heard tons of people saying how bad they felt I started feeling bad too. Once it was in my head I felt shittier every pct
At first you weel feel awful and weak. Like everything is gone. But its really not most of what you lose is water weight. And what you are left with is true muscle. Just lower your weights just a hair. Like 10lbs. And just go for it as many reps as u can.

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