I am closing in on my first cycle of Test e, have been taking test e e3d (250mg) for 12 weeks now combined with armidex as needed and planning on ending it within two weeks.
My lifting stats has blown up and feels like there is no way in hell im remotely keeping the majority of my strength and muscle gains,
Squat : 400 lbs to 510 lbs
Bench : 300 lbs to 375 lbs.
Weight : 220 lbs to 240 lbs
Height ; 6'4
My pct will consist of :
Clomid : 50/50/25/25/12.5
Nolvadex : 40/20/20/20/10
Cardarine : 20mg/day
Ostarine : 25/25/25/12.5
Aromasin : 12.5mg EOD
Also been taking mk667 (30mg/day) for the last couple of weeks and planning running it for a couple of months.
Im just curious if you approve of this PCT protocol and realistically how much can i retain?
Also wondering if i can hop on Rad 140 after my pct is finished.
I am closing in on my first cycle of Test e, have been taking test e e3d (250mg) for 12 weeks now combined with armidex as needed and planning on ending it within two weeks.
My lifting stats has blown up and feels like there is no way in hell im remotely keeping the majority of my strength and muscle gains,
Squat : 400 lbs to 510 lbs
Bench : 300 lbs to 375 lbs.
Weight : 220 lbs to 240 lbs
Height ; 6'4
My pct will consist of :
Clomid : 50/50/25/25/12.5
Nolvadex : 40/20/20/20/10
Cardarine : 20mg/day
Ostarine : 25/25/25/12.5
Aromasin : 12.5mg EOD
Also been taking mk667 (30mg/day) for the last couple of weeks and planning running it for a couple of months.
Im just curious if you approve of this PCT protocol and realistically how much can i retain?
Also wondering if i can hop on Rad 140 after my pct is finished.
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