Hey guys, I'm new here so I'll start with a presentation.
I'm 33 years old, 185cm tall, weighs around 85 kg.
Cycle history: ph, tbol, var, hgh which all was 5-6 years ago.
Until recently I had decided to never touch gear again because of gyno issues (2 times surgery) which probably started from my ph cycle where I didn't do any pct (yeah stupid, I know and leaned the hard way) and then it came back on both my two hgh cycles.
A year ago I found out that I've got HIV and my world fell apart for some month before I decided that I was going to straighten up and get back on track.
I started eating healthier, working out again, stop doing drugs and stop partying all the time and in combination with my daily HIV medication, the result is that the HIV virus now are undetectable in my blood samples.
I'm now more healthy than I've been for many years and I've regained most of the mass which I had lost after years of laziness, partying and at last my sickness, but unfortunately I've also gained more fat than I wished for.
I have recently watched a YouTube video of a bodybuilder who has HIV as well, who mentioned as I already knew that muscle mass is crucial when fighting sicknesses like HIV, cancer etc. and that made me start thinking about gear again.
First I decided to keep it simple with just tbol at 60-80 mg. ed. for 6 weeks followed by nolva as pct. Then I decided to add some proviron at 50 mg. ed. Then I decided to add albuterol 24 mg. ed. for the fat and cholesterol benefits. Finally I've ordered endurashred which has Osta 10mg and GW 7mg per serving which I would take twice a day.
Because of my fear for returning gyno I've bought both nolva, aromasin and letro just to be completely covered.
For supports and nutrition I have tudca, orange triads, fish oil, tongkat ali, glucosamine, beta alanine, citrulline malate and of course whey protein.
As everyone else I of course would love to gain as much lean mass and loose as much fat as possible and get the most pleasurable pct and recovering as possible.
Would it be best to combine all of the compounds or spilt it up in two cycles:
bulk (tbol/proviron)
cut (endurashred/albuterol)?
If all compounds are combined how would you set up the cycle?
I have read that some people has got gyno from osta so should I run a low dose aromasin with it and how much would be enough to prevent my existing small lump to flare up again?
I know that a test base will be everyone's advice but that's not an option right now.
Really appreciate if you would help me out guys.
Thanks in advance.
I'm 33 years old, 185cm tall, weighs around 85 kg.
Cycle history: ph, tbol, var, hgh which all was 5-6 years ago.
Until recently I had decided to never touch gear again because of gyno issues (2 times surgery) which probably started from my ph cycle where I didn't do any pct (yeah stupid, I know and leaned the hard way) and then it came back on both my two hgh cycles.
A year ago I found out that I've got HIV and my world fell apart for some month before I decided that I was going to straighten up and get back on track.
I started eating healthier, working out again, stop doing drugs and stop partying all the time and in combination with my daily HIV medication, the result is that the HIV virus now are undetectable in my blood samples.
I'm now more healthy than I've been for many years and I've regained most of the mass which I had lost after years of laziness, partying and at last my sickness, but unfortunately I've also gained more fat than I wished for.
I have recently watched a YouTube video of a bodybuilder who has HIV as well, who mentioned as I already knew that muscle mass is crucial when fighting sicknesses like HIV, cancer etc. and that made me start thinking about gear again.
First I decided to keep it simple with just tbol at 60-80 mg. ed. for 6 weeks followed by nolva as pct. Then I decided to add some proviron at 50 mg. ed. Then I decided to add albuterol 24 mg. ed. for the fat and cholesterol benefits. Finally I've ordered endurashred which has Osta 10mg and GW 7mg per serving which I would take twice a day.
Because of my fear for returning gyno I've bought both nolva, aromasin and letro just to be completely covered.
For supports and nutrition I have tudca, orange triads, fish oil, tongkat ali, glucosamine, beta alanine, citrulline malate and of course whey protein.
As everyone else I of course would love to gain as much lean mass and loose as much fat as possible and get the most pleasurable pct and recovering as possible.
Would it be best to combine all of the compounds or spilt it up in two cycles:
bulk (tbol/proviron)
cut (endurashred/albuterol)?
If all compounds are combined how would you set up the cycle?
I have read that some people has got gyno from osta so should I run a low dose aromasin with it and how much would be enough to prevent my existing small lump to flare up again?
I know that a test base will be everyone's advice but that's not an option right now.
Really appreciate if you would help me out guys.
Thanks in advance.