I'm using HGH that I get from someone who uses it to grow so it's in a pen and it's the real deal.. Just wanted to state that as from my experience all of its crap unless from pharmacy... That just my experience... Here is what I get and everyone else gets that I know from HGH at a dose of 4ius...im in my 40s I might add and I take test to.. OK first off headaches and joint pain from elbows down to hands for the first few weeks.. 3 friends the same thing with headaches 2same with joint pain again all on test and using 4ius of HGH... I seem to get more body hair for some reason could be age.. The biggest thing I notice and everyone else and keep in mind I'm 40 is the pump at the gym and through out the day.. Just insane.. Doesn't matter what I eat the pump is the same... As for general well being and health I notice nothing....over all I would say the pump and the fact that it seems to keep me leaner and pumped is the selling point for me.. For me it's worth the money... Hoped that helped..