
Help with bridge after pct

Hey Dylan have another question what's the risk with a 24 weeks cycle?

Obviously the longer you stay on higher doses over TRT levels, the more risk and strain you put on your general health

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
That's a great compliment!! I pride myself on being disciplined! I firmly believe that it's not a bodybuilding contest it's discipline contest!!! Thanks for all your help you and rickrock have been awesome!!!

It's been my pleasure to help you along the way brother!

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I agree about sweet potatoe! My body fills out more with sweet potatoe then it does with brown rice which is the point I think Dylan is making!! My plan is to rotate between sweet potatoe and brown rice over a 2 week period eating only one for a week and switch to other and see and feel the difference! I am 42 now and my last time on stage was 2009 so I know my body has changed in how it assimilates carbs! Cleaned up diet on Monday last week and my body is responding tremendously! Started at 224.5 and down to 219.8 in 6 days. Really looking forward to starting ultra recomp bridge!!
I agree about sweet potatoe! My body fills out more with sweet potatoe then it does with brown rice which is the point I think Dylan is making!! My plan is to rotate between sweet potatoe and brown rice over a 2 week period eating only one for a week and switch to other and see and feel the difference! I am 42 now and my last time on stage was 2009 so I know my body has changed in how it assimilates carbs! Cleaned up diet on Monday last week and my body is responding tremendously! Started at 224.5 and down to 219.8 in 6 days. Really looking forward to starting ultra recomp bridge!!

Awesome to hear buddy. Yes, for carb ups sweet potatoes are my go to for sure, but as said not everyone responds favorably to them. I kept one 8 oz potato per day in there up until the show with generally one other carb source (either rice or oats)

You'll definitely like that ultra recomp I'm sure!

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Can't wait to start it!! I know you like long ester test but do you switch to prop prior to the show or do you think the water retention from long esters is more cause of diet?
Can't wait to start it!! I know you like long ester test but do you switch to prop prior to the show or do you think the water retention from long esters is more cause of diet?
Can't wait to start it!! I know you like long ester test but do you switch to prop prior to the show or do you think the water retention from long esters is more cause of diet?
I still just stick to long esters. For me, it makes no discernible difference

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Hey Dylan have another question what's the risk with a 24 weeks cycle?

you are obviously staying on far longer, so further suppression will be part of it, more possibility of side effects etc... your body may not react well to being on that long etc... depending on what it is being ran...

you would need to run a longer pct after a cycle of this length... i would go a minimum of 8 weeks for pct for a 24 week cycle...
you are obviously staying on far longer, so further suppression will be part of it, more possibility of side effects etc... your body may not react well to being on that long etc... depending on what it is being ran...

you would need to run a longer pct after a cycle of this length... i would go a minimum of 8 weeks for pct for a 24 week cycle...

Would it be better to run two 8 week cycles? Just don't want to have to be on TRT!!
you are obviously staying on far longer, so further suppression will be part of it, more possibility of side effects etc... your body may not react well to being on that long etc... depending on what it is being ran...

you would need to run a longer pct after a cycle of this length... i would go a minimum of 8 weeks for pct for a 24 week cycle...

The plan is for 12 weeks I will be running test cyp, EQ,deca, Tbol. Then at 12 week mark switch to test prop, tren ace, masteron, winny for 12 weeks up to show.
Would it be better to run two 8 week cycles? Just don't want to have to be on TRT!!

running a longer cycle does not mean you have to go on trt but it does mean a much longer recovery...

you need to run eq a minimum of 16 weeks or your wasting your time... jus so you understand.... you didnt time this all very well brother.... if you ran an 8 week cycle with short esters, say npp test prop and tbol, you would pct 4 weeks meaning 12 weeks total so you would need 12 weeks off before running another cycle... my guess is that you don't have that kind of time...
running a longer cycle does not mean you have to go on trt but it does mean a much longer recovery...

you need to run eq a minimum of 16 weeks or your wasting your time... jus so you understand.... you didnt time this all very well brother.... if you ran an 8 week cycle with short esters, say npp test prop and tbol, you would pct 4 weeks meaning 12 weeks total so you would need 12 weeks off before running another cycle... my guess is that you don't have that kind of time...

Will keep eq in for 16 weeks and run the 24 week cycle and longer pct. I understand that a longer cycle doesn't necessarily mean I will need TRT but was concerned about the length of suppression increasing my chances of not recovering. What pct do you think would be the best for this cycle considering the drugs I will be ending cycle with?
What would you think would be an ideal layout? The show I plan on doing is October 29th. I start actual prep 16 weeks prior to show! 16 weeks gives me plenty of time to slowly drop to contest ready shape!
Just thought I would post my plan and would love to hear everyone's opinion.
12 week sarms bridge Feb 7th- April 30th
1-12 lgd 4033 10mg day
1-12 s4 50mg day 25mg in am 25mg in pm
1-12 gw 20mg day
1-12 rad 140 20mg day
Mini pct clomid 50/25

24 week cycle May 15th- show day October 29th
Weeks 1-12
1-12 test cyp 500mg/ week
1-12 deca 400mg/week
1-16 EQ 800mg/week
1-6 t-Bol 60mg a day
1-12 caber .5mg e3d
1-24 CEL cycle assisst
1-10 Sr 9009 30mg day 5mg every 2-3 hrs
1-10 GW 20mg day
1-10 S4 50mg day 25am 25pm
1-24 aromasin 12.5mg eod
Weeks 13-24
13-24 test prop 100mg eod
13-24 masteron 200mg eod
13-24 tren ace 75mg eod
13-16 EQ 800mg per week
19-24 winstrol 50mg ed
13-24 Sr 9009 30mg day 5mg every 2-3 hrs
13-24 GW 20mg day
13-25 S4 50mg day 25am 25pm
1-24 aromasin 12.5mg eod (weeks 22-24 increase to 12.5 ed)
17-24 caber .5mg every 3rd day
*weeks 11-13 took sarms out to take a break as I wanted them in to help finish up the prep.
*kept caber in only when taking deca and tren
8 week PCT
23-26 hcg 1000 Ius week
27-30 clomid 50/50/25/25
27-30 nolvadex 40/20/20/20
27-30 aromasin 12.5mg eod
27-30 mk2866 25mg ed
27-30 GW 20 mg ed
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