
Help me improve - Enhanced Super Stack Log


On day 4 of my cycle, Enhanced Super Stack 12 weeks.
Been keeping a food journal, its not perfect and to be honest, i am not trying to be... the reason i make that statement is cause I have to have fun with this, if not i get annoyed and frustrated. I know for a fact i need to add more fiber in my diet, which i am on top of this weekend going to get some Psyllium Husk, to add to my protein drink, going to drop the soy milk. Just don't want to waste what i already bought, only got enough for 1 more drink. Need to get some Fish oil as well and possibly some good BCAA's in my rotation.. So let me post up what i have already written down. I am going into this cycle as a learning process. My goal is to drop weight, i do go to the gym 6 days a week and since starting i noticed my endurance is slowly starting to kick up. I assume i still got about another week before i start to feel the full effects of the SARMS.

Current weight 285lbs - 5'11 - age 34
Goal - Drop down to 245 to 250lbs by end of cycle (or more)

Week 1 - day 1 6/28/2016

8:00am - 4 omega 3 eggs - 1 slice american cheese
2 cups of coffee with cream and sugar (yea i know this <---) hard to break the coffee
25mg S4 - 30mg RAD -140

11:45 - Protein drink - Soy milk Syntha 6
5mg Stenabolic

2:00pm - Low crab turkey wrap with kale and spinach piece of american cheese - 5mg stemabolic

3:00pm - low carb turkey wrap kale and spinach peice of american cheese - 5mg stenabolic

4:15PM - Green Apple - 5mg stenabolic
4:40PM - GW Cardine 20mg 5mg Tripple X

5 - 6:30 Gym

7:00 pm - 2 chicken breast baked - brown rice (cup and half approx.) - corn (approx cup)

8:30 pm Protein Drink

10:00pm - 3 omega 3 eggs with kale and spinach chopped up 1 slice of cheese with hot sauce scrambled.

So there is what my very first day of my first cycle looked like. I have others documented... Wanted to see what your guys initial opinions are...

Suggestions? Criticisms? Advice? Anything i should add to help aid me in this journey? Don't want to be another typical cheese burger munching americunt

I will post more of my journal in this thread... My Goal here is to not only lose more weight, but also learn to dial in my diet, make better food choices, Educate myself on learning how to live healthier in general.
ALso to note - i got no fucking clue how many calories i took in from above ^^^ entries.
Too much cheese you need more clean veggies and those wrap are made out of total crap I guarantee it!
Wraps are usually crap. I see you have a meal with sides of rice and corn. At the same time you eat low carb meals throughout the day. Are you aware that corn is a starch and shouldn't be considered the same as a green vegetable? It's carb loaded.

Lots of vegetables will surprise you actually. Have you ever used an app to look up the macro ratios in the food you eat? If not, I strongly suggest downloading one, buying a food scale and then beginning to educate yourself on exactly what is in the food you eat. It's not for everyone, but it's the only way to diet healthy.

It's clear you are putting in effort here, and I would like to see you reap the maximum rewards.
You need to track your macros bro. If you don't know what you are consuming you don't know if you are headed in the right direction for progress. Download an app like my fitness pal or something similar to track.

Also check out my diet and nutrition thread to help you make a solid diet plan. It's a sticky at the top of the forum you can't miss

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thanks for the replies, i will start to make some adjustments, in all fairness i hate salads and most veggies, but fuck it... I will start to force them into my diet and make the change. I do enjoy brocolli, Alright so i will drop the turkey wraps and come up with something else. I did see your sticky and i need to read that, its on my to-do list. I appreciate all your comments cause this will help me build a better foundation and understanding of foods.

I will throw up another update of my daily log in a few days maybe soon, and hopefully that log will contain some adjustments and i look forward to more of your guys input.
Week 2 day 2.

No sides yet really at all, Figured i still have about another 4 days for things to really start kicking in, Course i honestly don't know this is my first cycle.

But one thing to note... Took my S4 -25mg, Stenabolic 5mg and Rad-140 This morning
ALong with 3 omega 3 eggs - with hot sauce and pepper - No salt no cheese
Around 8 am

Around 10am i took another 5mg of stenabolic

just started to feel kinda hot, started to sweat... Got really thristy so i downed 2 bottles of water then got a huge craving.. Now i am eatting this green apple and i wish i would have brought like 3 more with me cause damn its good...

I don't know if any of this is a sign that all of this that i am taking its just starting to kick in or not.

Also to note I changed my Protien drink up

I got some Muscle Sport Apple Jacked Protien Powder - Its a whey Isolate with Less Calories then the syntha-6
Taste really good. Also picked up some Fiber to add in. SO currently i am in-taking about 6 grams of fiber in my protein drink. I only been added the fiber in once a day
Week 2 day 2.

No sides yet really at all, Figured i still have about another 4 days for things to really start kicking in, Course i honestly don't know this is my first cycle.

But one thing to note... Took my S4 -25mg, Stenabolic 5mg and Rad-140 This morning
ALong with 3 omega 3 eggs - with hot sauce and pepper - No salt no cheese
Around 8 am

Around 10am i took another 5mg of stenabolic

just started to feel kinda hot, started to sweat... Got really thristy so i downed 2 bottles of water then got a huge craving.. Now i am eatting this green apple and i wish i would have brought like 3 more with me cause damn its good...

I don't know if any of this is a sign that all of this that i am taking its just starting to kick in or not.

Also to note I changed my Protien drink up

I got some Muscle Sport Apple Jacked Protien Powder - Its a whey Isolate with Less Calories then the syntha-6
Taste really good. Also picked up some Fiber to add in. SO currently i am in-taking about 6 grams of fiber in my protein drink. I only been added the fiber in once a day
Keep it up man. You have a great stack and I'm sure you'll be seeing some nice things and changes coming soon

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thanks for the replies, i will start to make some adjustments, in all fairness i hate salads and most veggies, but fuck it... I will start to force them into my diet and make the change. I do enjoy brocolli, Alright so i will drop the turkey wraps and come up with something else. I did see your sticky and i need to read that, its on my to-do list. I appreciate all your comments cause this will help me build a better foundation and understanding of foods.

I will throw up another update of my daily log in a few days maybe soon, and hopefully that log will contain some adjustments and i look forward to more of your guys input.

you would be surprised at the taste of vegetables you may think are not good by the looks... trust me... i did that for years where i thought so many things were gross etc. and to be honest, i never even fucking tried them LOL... so when i did, i found myself shocked over and over at what i was missing... i did that with seafood for over 20 years and then finally i gave it a chance and loved it.. sometimes you just have to give things a shot... i make a blend of zuchini, mushrooms, green peppers and onions and once you learn how to cook it properly with temperature etc. its so damn good or i mix vegetables like that with chicken or pork tenderloin etc... and its so good and good for you... just be open to trying...
Hello guys, I need to advise
Recently I decided that I wanted to become stronger and bigger.
My coach told me to start accept steroids. But I'm scared . Is it generally safe for my health?
My friend with whom we go to the gym, advised me a website where you can buy them.
He said that he was trying and he got a good result. Maybe someone knows where the best?
And are you thinking about it? Some of you made the order on this site? Do you like the results?
Hello guys, I need to advise
Recently I decided that I wanted to become stronger and bigger.
My coach told me to start accept steroids. But I'm scared . Is it generally safe for my health?
My friend with whom we go to the gym, advised me a website where you can buy them.
He said that he was trying and he got a good result. Maybe someone knows where the best?
And are you thinking about it? Some of you made the order on this site? Do you like the results?

I like it.I made an order on this site several times. Ectually I'm pleased with the service and quality.
I would book with them again. This is my last order

Could give a shit, start your own thread on it. I am not ordering nothing from that site
Hello guys, I need to advise
Recently I decided that I wanted to become stronger and bigger.
My coach told me to start accept steroids. But I'm scared . Is it generally safe for my health?
My friend with whom we go to the gym, advised me a website where you can buy them.
He said that he was trying and he got a good result. Maybe someone knows where the best?
And are you thinking about it? Some of you made the order on this site? Do you like the results?
Bro, this is NOT your thread so we will not be answering your questions here. You've done this on other threads as well and its very poor etiquette. You need to start your own thread for your own questions and not hijack others

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Sign up to a site like My Fitness Pal & log EVERYTHING you eat & drink.It will tell you how many calories you are consuming & you can adjust your macros on there as well.
Question: Does body weight play a factor in the dosing amount?

It was just something i was thinking about, i have not increased on anything
Question: Does body weight play a factor in the dosing amount?

It was just something i was thinking about, i have not increased on anything

Good question as I have never heard anyone ask it before.

I have never heard that it does, dosing seems to be consistent irrelevant of body weight
I seen a few videos last night where people were taking 30 and 40mg of GW and talking about the difference, so it got me thinking about body weight and dosing amount
Question: Does body weight play a factor in the dosing amount?

It was just something i was thinking about, i have not increased on anything

No, bodyweight has absolutely nothing to do with the dosing protocol. It doesn't matter if you have a 300lb power lifter or a 110lb fit female, GW dose is still 20mg per day, and other sarms doses are consistent with running the sa,e dose as well.

It's been found that the higher doses really don't yield any more additional benefit
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