Hey Dylan I'm 31 years old and was diagnosed with hypogonadism at the age of 27 and have been on TRT ever since(80mg every 3 days total tesosterone is 700-1000ng). I have done a few light cycles here and there like upping my testosterone dose to 500mg weekly stacked with like 30mg of anavar and I have also used epistane. I have never used GH or dbol or anything crazy. So here's my issue:
A couple years ago I started noticing my heart skipping which over the past 2 years has progressed. I notice it happens more in the morning like a skipped beat, shortness of breath and a thud in my chest. I went to my doctor and they had checked my BP and cholesterol which are both fantastic. Higher than normal hdl and low ldl. Then I wore a Holter monitor and they said the palpitations they saw look benign and also did an EKG which had similar results. Finally they did an echocardiogram to check my heart for structural defaults and everything checked out normal. So all these tests they have done and everything looks good. It's just I get heart palpitations here and there but according to my doctor are benign and not dangerous. So my question to you is,
Would doing another cycle mess with that? I would like to maybe run some EQ and anavar this summer or maybe just increase my testosterone dose again. What's your opinion on it? Do you ever get heart palpitations? Thank you for reading and helping me, your opinion means alot.
A couple years ago I started noticing my heart skipping which over the past 2 years has progressed. I notice it happens more in the morning like a skipped beat, shortness of breath and a thud in my chest. I went to my doctor and they had checked my BP and cholesterol which are both fantastic. Higher than normal hdl and low ldl. Then I wore a Holter monitor and they said the palpitations they saw look benign and also did an EKG which had similar results. Finally they did an echocardiogram to check my heart for structural defaults and everything checked out normal. So all these tests they have done and everything looks good. It's just I get heart palpitations here and there but according to my doctor are benign and not dangerous. So my question to you is,
Would doing another cycle mess with that? I would like to maybe run some EQ and anavar this summer or maybe just increase my testosterone dose again. What's your opinion on it? Do you ever get heart palpitations? Thank you for reading and helping me, your opinion means alot.