


New member
Really appreciate your videos. I thought I had emailed you recently but I’m having a hard time finding it. I’ve been susceptible to gyno since I started purberty. Had it naturally for about a year and a half from 7th to 8th grade- horrible to wear football pads with that stuff. Eventually, it went away.

I’ll be 40 later this month. Started training again a year ago. Currently taking 50mg dbol daily and 50mg Winstrol- taking the combo for 45 days and am 8 days in. I’ve already gotten stronger and am much more full especially in my arms and shoulders. Problem- Gyno has come in pretty strong. Full on Gyno: the hardness lump behind the nipple, soreness and some soft tissue. I noticed by mere chance getting into the shower. Didn’t consider this while setting up. Been regularly taking Horny Goatweed and Tribulus both to help with natural t production. I also take Chlorella (tablet), NAC and Milk Thistle, and Multi Minerals all daily. Also taking Vit D3, Magnesium and Zinc as well to help with t production. I’ve heard a lot of people talk about success with Letro to wipe out the Gyno- reverse it over time. Question would be how much to take daily and for how long. Once it’s finished would it be necessary to switch over to Nolvadex until cycle is done? And, would it be necessary to take either Nolvadex or Letro once cycle is done? Any input would be greatly appreciated
You arent taking aromasin...enough said Plus youre not taking test so kiss all your gains goodbye

Never start a cycle until you know what youre doing.
Bro you ran dbol without an AI and test. No offense but of course you got gyno. Dbol converts to estrogen at a higher rate than anything but MENT. You need Letrozole stat! This is reckless af. You need to end this "cycle" immediately

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Hey guys, thank you all for taking the time to share your thoughts and knowledge on this. Just some quick notes: I'm definitely not an expert at all. I've done quite a bit of research but reality is I just honestly skipped the whole idea of gyno altogether- honest mistake. This isn't something I've done for years and I dont have friends who do this either. I never had issues in the past with other steroids but this one specifically dbol got me good. When I was in High School my doc gave me a script for Nolvadex for Gyno developed from puberty, an SERM, and it worked somewhat at the time but I didnt have full on gyno- only the right nipple was an issue at the time. 8 days: I had mistakenly been taking 100mg of dbol daily as I thought it was 25mg tabs and instead of 50mg tabs and so I cut it back to 50mg of the dbol on the 8th day with 50mg of the Winstrol. Long story short is the fact that I didn't have a SERM, which likely wouldn't have worked for me, nor did I have an AI in it's place. 2 years ago I had a small case of gyno came up and .25mg of Letro every other day for the cycle, was taking then 50mg of Anadrol daily and injectible deca weekly, wiped it out and for the last 2wks after the cycle was over I took .25mg every 3rd day and had no issues with it coming back or an estrogen rebound for that matter.
The other stuff I mentioned I have been taking: Mineral tabs help with cramps, the other minerals naturally boost testosterone, milk thistle the NAC and the Chlorella all help to clean the system out. I failed to list I also have Daspartic acid which is supposed to increase testosterone but most research suggests it only does so for a week- there's a lot of research suggesting that it also increases male fertility. Lastly, I take all whey protein supplements now that have Leucine in it as that triggers muscle growth.
I'm learning here so if you see something that think is not safe by all means please chime in.
50mg of Dbol with 50mg Winstrol?? 50mg of Dbol is a heavy dose bro. And you're taking this without any aromatase inhibitor or Testosterone. This doesn't look good man. Stop what you're doing immediately. You're gonna ruin your life...

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50mg of Dbol with 50mg Winstrol?? 50mg of Dbol is a heavy dose bro. And you're taking this without any aromatase inhibitor or Testosterone. This doesn't look good man. Stop what you're doing immediately. You're gonna ruin your life...

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man that Reforvit-B aint no joke !
Got to be honest here- that literally made me lol- not my situation but that reference. I just watched that the other day and told a good friend of mine that I'm starting to look like Bob. It's not out of control by any means, but it's there.
Got to be honest here- that literally made me lol- not my situation but that reference. I just watched that the other day and told a good friend of mine that I'm starting to look like Bob. It's not out of control by any means, but it's there.

hey it starts with acknowledgement bro, recognize the issue and just drop the cycle
hey it starts with acknowledgement bro, recognize the issue and just drop the cycle

Thanks! I didnt take it tonight. I'm done with it for a long time. Will read quite a bit over the next month and put together a well thought and researched plan before I ever mess with it again.
Really appreciate your videos. I thought I had emailed you recently but I’m having a hard time finding it. I’ve been susceptible to gyno since I started purberty. Had it naturally for about a year and a half from 7th to 8th grade- horrible to wear football pads with that stuff. Eventually, it went away.

I’ll be 40 later this month. Started training again a year ago. Currently taking 50mg dbol daily and 50mg Winstrol- taking the combo for 45 days and am 8 days in. I’ve already gotten stronger and am much more full especially in my arms and shoulders. Problem- Gyno has come in pretty strong. Full on Gyno: the hardness lump behind the nipple, soreness and some soft tissue. I noticed by mere chance getting into the shower. Didn’t consider this while setting up. Been regularly taking Horny Goatweed and Tribulus both to help with natural t production. I also take Chlorella (tablet), NAC and Milk Thistle, and Multi Minerals all daily. Also taking Vit D3, Magnesium and Zinc as well to help with t production. I’ve heard a lot of people talk about success with Letro to wipe out the Gyno- reverse it over time. Question would be how much to take daily and for how long. Once it’s finished would it be necessary to switch over to Nolvadex until cycle is done? And, would it be necessary to take either Nolvadex or Letro once cycle is done? Any input would be greatly appreciated
you have got to be fucking shitting me... would it be necessary to take nolva or letro when the cycle is done? you didnt "consider this while setting up" Do you realize how reckless and flat ass ridiculously stupid this cycle is? this is the WORST cycle i have seen in months and thats seriously saying something... "you didn't consider this while setting up" that you were running a steroid that converts to estrogen at a higher rate than any other steroid aside from MENT... you didn't consider the fact that not only are you stupidly stacking two oral steroids without test, but also running them at full doses... you didnt consider a pct? YOU ARE A PRIME EXAMPLE OF WHAT GIVES STEROIDS A BAD NAME... I WOULDN'T ADVISE YOU TO USE STEROIDS IF YOU PAID ME A MILLION DOLLARS... you need to stop this shit NOW... no human alive would advise you to use steroids... STOP now!
you need to stop, completely stop period... get some aromasin immediately! you need to stay on it for a month.. run it 25 mg per day for a week, then drop to every other day for two weeks then drop to 12.5 mg eod the last week.. then get bloodwork done... here is a link to get aromasin...
Another thing you need to realize is that taking test "boosters" will not help something your not currently producing, that function is shut down. Hence the need to use test in your cycle.
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