

Like everyone pointed out, dbol is the WORST for gyno only to be outdone by ment. The estrogen conversion is insane. If you are gyno prone that is literally the last thing you should fuck with unless you really have your ancillaries dialed in.
The goal of any cycle is to prevent side effects and not treat them after the fact.
Not to mention oral only cycles are never a good idea for keepable gains.

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Thanks for saying this.... it's amazing that people think that taking a multivitamin and t-boosters will mitigate the sides of strong anabolics.
exactly... it truly is amazing... steroids fucking LAUGH their ass off at the word test booster, seriously... thats like the first time you fight mike tyson with little mac... its a joke...
thanks. flushed it all down the toilet this morning- done with it. appreciate the help very much.
you need to follow exactly what i told you man and you are going to need to get bloodwork if you want to get this corrected... PLEASE ask next time before you do anything man... this was easily preventable and you may have a small mess on your hands now...
you need to follow exactly what i told you man and you are going to need to get bloodwork if you want to get this corrected... PLEASE ask next time before you do anything man... this was easily preventable and you may have a small mess on your hands now...

Anything specific type of blood test? Found a local testing center that charges $49 for lipids.
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