Why even argue about if GW50 works for all kinds of exercises when we can look up a medical study that shows exactly HOW GW50 (and AICAR) work. Sure, not everyone can read them, but I can read many of them and translate, so here one is:
Endurance was measured. How long can the rat exercise for without getting tired. Sure, they cannot realistically do strength exercises with rats, so that part is inconclusive. It DOES say how amazing GW50 can be, though.
The type of exercise is irrelevant to the way the enzymes work. The enzymes are activated in the presence of physical exertion. The type of physical exertion does not matter, all it needs to do is cause the body stress and the enzymes kick in to do all their different types of work. When you combine GW50 AND exercise, you get a huge increase in enzymes doing their jobs. Again, all that is needed is the stress caused by physical exertion, they type of exertion does not matter to the body.