
GW advice

brother, NOONE thinks you meant harm whatsoever... you brought up great points... i was just letting you know so you knew the reasoning.. please dont apologize... you did nothing wrong and if anyone is upset, they have no reason to be whatsoever... your good brother... trust me... you brought up great points but there's counter reasons and that's what the forum is for... to compare and understand thoughts and reasoning and to answer questions for everyone...

I appreciate that bro !
ya i wasn't trying to flame you just a good ol meathead debate and it is hard to tell context and tone on boards text etc lol but its all good in the hood
a lot of tones cannot be understood when typing etc. but noone will ever get flamed etc. for any valid question whatsoever...
video hunter... what are you currently running? i know you were previously running sarms... are you still on cycle?
Im not sure about that bro, i took some lgd 4033 in pill form from dna anabolics and it suppressed me right away. Gave me the nips, low libido, etc etc
No compound can suppress you "right away" bro. It would take at least 2-3 weeks to notice any suppression at all... perhaps it was a highly aromatizing compound similar to dbol and your estrogen spiked after a few doses... unfortunately DNA anabolics is one of the dirtiest company around. Heard tons of complaints about their so called "sarms"

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
video hunter... what are you currently running? i know you were previously running sarms... are you still on cycle?

Just finished up an S4 cycle, in PCT now

Nolva 20/20/10/10 & running some left over bottles of Anamorelin I had along side it , looking to run this in the fall

Rad 140
GW 50156

No compound can suppress you "right away" bro. It would take at least 2-3 weeks to notice any suppression at all... perhaps it was a highly aromatizing compound similar to dbol and your estrogen spiked after a few doses... unfortunately DNA anabolics is one of the dirtiest company around. Heard tons of complaints about their so called "sarms"

Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk

absolutely right... thats just common knowledge anymore, isnt it bro... they are so fucked up its ridiculous but they are exposed everywhere...
Just finished up an S4 cycle, in PCT now

Nolva 20/20/10/10 & running some left over bottles of Anamorelin I had along side it , looking to run this in the fall

Rad 140
GW 50156


thats a strong stack right there bro... im looking forward to seeing your results... you can start 677 anytime... you could start it now, right after pct or just wait until your cycle but thats one you can start at anytime and run with anything in any scenario...
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