
Got the SARMS in and....


New member
Well, got the SARMs in Friday, decided to start new on Sunday. Well lets just it's not at all what I expeced taking them. I took the RAD140 first and holy F&#K, I wasn't expecting that. I had water to chase it... That didn't help lmao, needless to say I ended up making my lemonade BCAAs to chase down the rest. RAD140 is def the most violent tasting out of my stack (ultra recomp) and my dumbass chose it first! lmao

What do are you guys using that works the best to chase? Thought about crandberry juice next go round.
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Wait until you take clomid....LOL!!!
I chase mine with a sugar free energy drink with carbonation, the fizz really helps break up the residue left on your tongue
Lmao, I have 12 weeks to go for that... Hopefully I can get used to them by then. I had to edit, it was RAD140 instead of the LGD.

I'll try that next time!
I'm taking 20mg of RAD, but I think it was just because it was my first time and was kind of unexpected. I knew they were suspended in alchohol I just didn't really expect that. Also, water was not the best choice so I think the "burn" stuck with me a little more than the second dose and LGD was after that. Also with the LGD I took a drink first, didn't swallow, then took the dose and swallowed (that sounded nice lmao).
Well, got the SARMs in Friday, decided to start new on Sunday. Well lets just it's not at all what I expeced taking them. I took the RAD140 first and holy F&#K, I wasn't expecting that. I had water to chase it... That didn't help lmao, needless to say I ended up making my lemonade BCAAs to chase down the rest. RAD140 is def the most violent tasting out of my stack (ultra recomp) and my dumbass chose it first! lmao

What do are you guys using that works the best to chase? Thought about crandberry juice next go round.

The taste is really not the end of the world man. You'll get used to it. I seriously crack up at any grown man that has that big of an issue with this lol

For a while until you grow some hair on your balls, just find whatever fruity girly drink you can to chase it down with....

Lol just kidding bro. But seriously, I promise you will get used to it. It see,s to hit people a little harder at first. Now I'm to the point where I don't even chase it, and I dose about 4 or 5 things at once sometimes
it gets easy after a week or so....good luck with the gains!

Haha I'm sure, a little stronger than expected but not the worst thing for sure

great stack, the gainz will b worth it

I hope so, and hopefully a loss on the fat as well. It gets hard to stay on a strict diet since I am on the road a lot being in the oilfield. But this is the motivation I need for sure.

The taste is really not the end of the world man. You'll get used to it. I seriously crack up at any grown man that has that big of an issue with this lol

For a while until you grow some hair on your balls, just find whatever fruity girly drink you can to chase it down with....

Lol just kidding bro. But seriously, I promise you will get used to it. It see,s to hit people a little harder at first. Now I'm to the point where I don't even chase it, and I dose about 4 or 5 things at once sometimes

Lmao I'm a puss, I'll admit it but I'm not giving up! Hopefully I'll get there soon!!
ya you will get used to it i usually chased mine with grapefruit juice ruby ed or whatever the little buckets of grapefruits come in my wife did that too and by the 4th week or so she was chasing with water
Haha I'm sure, a little stronger than expected but not the worst thing for sure

I hope so, and hopefully a loss on the fat as well. It gets hard to stay on a strict diet since I am on the road a lot being in the oilfield. But this is the motivation I need for sure.

Lmao I'm a puss, I'll admit it but I'm not giving up! Hopefully I'll get there soon!!

how long are you in the oilfield at one time? most of us do meal preps on days off use tuppeware and have all your meals planned and prepped all you have to do is throw in your bag or lunchbox and there it is
how long are you in the oilfield at one time? most of us do meal preps on days off use tuppeware and have all your meals planned and prepped all you have to do is throw in your bag or lunchbox and there it is

It all varies, I do all the electronics for a coil company. Live in Oklahoma, but am all over Texas (East, West and South). Normally leave out on Mondays and try to be back on Fridays.
the best way to chase it is with grapefruit juice... grapefruit juice provides maximum absorption making it more than ideal for chasing when using sarms... remember, they are not mouthwash... take them straight down as fast as possible and then chase with grapefruit right after and your'e all good bro... get ready from serious progress and gains!
Being Scottish i like a good single malt.....imagine a cheaper blend and thats what the sarms taste like....not that bad .....but dont have over ice....:rolleyes:
Well, got the SARMs in Friday, decided to start new on Sunday. Well lets just it's not at all what I expeced taking them. I took the RAD140 first and holy F&#K, I wasn't expecting that. I had water to chase it... That didn't help lmao, needless to say I ended up making my lemonade BCAAs to chase down the rest. RAD140 is def the most violent tasting out of my stack (ultra recomp) and my dumbass chose it first! lmao

What do are you guys using that works the best to chase? Thought about crandberry juice next go round.

I hold a mouth full of cranberry juice or coffee and lean my head back and take my dose mixed in mouth and just swallow it asap. Works nice!
you need to make sure you take it straight down... many people make the mistake of putting it under their tongue or swishing it around in their mouth... do not do this
Well, got the SARMs in Friday, decided to start new on Sunday. Well lets just it's not at all what I expeced taking them. I took the RAD140 first and holy F&#K, I wasn't expecting that. I had water to chase it... That didn't help lmao, needless to say I ended up making my lemonade BCAAs to chase down the rest. RAD140 is def the most violent tasting out of my stack (ultra recomp) and my dumbass chose it first! lmao

What do are you guys using that works the best to chase? Thought about crandberry juice next go round.

I got my stack yesterday and took my first dose this morning, and lets just say nothing could have prepared me for that shit LMFAO. It hit me hard, and this coming from someone who used to chase down vodka with even more vodka... lol
I did read to use grapefruit juice so I made sure to have that on hand but even that didn't do much help. Like anything new, I guess it will take some time to get accustomed to.

You've been on it some time now, have you gotten used to the taste now? Just curious...
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